ondemand_video Transformeri: Trilogija o ratu za Cybertron
Dvojica vođa žele stvoriti bolji svijet za svoj narod, ali suđeno im je da ga unište.
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Dvojica vođa žele stvoriti bolji svijet za svoj narod, ali suđeno im je da ga unište.
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Allied with a family of humans, a new generation of Transformers searches for purpose while defending Earth from threatening evil forces.
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Big hearts. Boundless imagination. Their friendship is one of a kind — and their endless curiosity makes anything possible.
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They've arrived from a bleak and hopeless future to save us all from our greatest enemy: ourselves.
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Dok policija pokušava umiriti javnost, sjevernom Engleskom vreba strašni serijski ubojica koji je uvijek korak ispred.
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What happened to the sandcastle? And can a rock really talk? These curious bears won't rest until they crack the case!
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Na njoj je da čuva mir između dva svijeta. No kad mračne sile počnu jačati, sudbina ima drugačije planove.
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Dolaze iz različitih svjetova, ali jedno idilično ljeto bilo je dovoljno da se zaljube.
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Insajderi se prisjećaju događaja, kontroverzi i trajnih posljedica nesreće u nuklearnoj elektrani Three Mile Island u Pennsylvaniji.
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He's in the limelight. She's in the shadow of organized crime. Fame and infamy collide, igniting romance and mischief.
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Računovođa Tribhuvan Mishra zbog bankovne krize mora početi raditi kao muška prostitutka. Hoće li mu taj dvostruki život riješiti probleme ili stvoriti nove?
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Oslanjajući se jedne na drugu i u dobru i u zlu, tri najbolje prijateljice na pragu četrdesete zajedno koračaju kroz život, ljubav i gubitke.
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He speaks truth to power. And he has a damn good time doing it. The world has big problems. Killer Mike offers solutions.
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Two old friends go into business together – one's a master communicator, and the other's a great engineer. Their goal? To make a trillion dollars.
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Tajne. Laži. Osveta. Svi u školi imaju nešto što skrivaju ... ali istina će uskoro izaći na vidjelo.
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Doznavši da je pri rođenju razdvojena od dviju identičnih sestri blizanki, Rebecca odluči krenuti na opasno putovanje kako bi otkrila istinu o svojem podrijetlu.
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Treniraj. Zablistaj. Ponovi. Život mu se vrti oko atletike i obitelji sve dok mu ona ne pokaže kako živjeti i voljeti.
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Uspjeli su pobjeći od puča na rodnom planetu, no ništa ih nije moglo pripremiti na srednjoškolski život u Arcadiji.
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Now that the trolls no longer have to hide from the Bergens, it's time to party! All hail Queen Poppy!
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Hers was "the face that launched a thousand ships." His was the destiny that destroyed an entire city.
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Big wishes come true whenever these two are around. They can't help it -- it's just what they do!
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Formerly bullied, a teen masters the art of makeup and becomes a knockout at her new school — but keeping up appearances is harder than it seems.
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Music videos starring your favorite Rainbow Kingdom characters? Wishes really do come true!
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Robots, body swaps -- and a tricky troll? There's no stopping this good-hearted guardian when her friends need help.
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It's story time in the Rainbow Kingdom, where True and her friends are putting a magical spin on some of your favorite fairy tales!
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Welcome back to a wonderful world full of friendship, adventure and magical wishes that make big dreams come true!
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Friends, associates and critics reveal the truly American story of Donald Trump, the brash businessman who defied the odds to become U.S. president.
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Two odd birds. One oddly relatable female friendship. A wild comedy with heart from the creators of "BoJack Horseman."
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A detective finds himself 30 years in the future and must solve a string of grisly crimes before he can return to the past.
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Though handsome and successful, Satoru Mukai suddenly realizes he's been single for ten whole years and has no idea how to initiate a new relationship.
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