Akcijske pustolovine: 760 naslova


theaters Beast (Kannada)

A jaded former intelligence agent is pulled back into action when an attack at a mall creates a tense hostage situation.
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theaters Beast (Telugu)

A jaded former intelligence agent is pulled back into action when an attack at a mall creates a tense hostage situation.
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theaters Beckett

Kada ga tragična nesreća uvuče u političku urotu zbog koje postane meta plaćenih ubojica, američki turist u Grčkoj kreće u bijeg.
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theaters Beirut

A tragedy led this diplomat to the end of his career -- and to the bottle. But now the fate of a hostage rests in his hands.
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theaters Believer

A dogged detective in pursuit of a faceless drug kingpin gets a much-needed break when a survivor from a mysterious factory explosion decides to help.
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theaters Ben i Jody

Ben & Jody

Dvojica najboljih prijatelja udruže se sa skupinom seljana kako bi se oduprli podmuklim ilegalnim šumarima koji im žele preoteti zemlju.
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theaters Bez predaha


Nakon što se pretrgao da prikrije nesreću, korumpiranom policajcu život izmakne kontroli kad počne dobivati prijetnje od zagonetnog svjedoka.
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theaters Bheeshma

Tired of being single, a smart-aleck meme creator has a chance to prove himself to the girl he loves when he is suddenly appointed CEO of her workplace.
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theaters Bhola Shankar

While attempting to build a life in Kolkata with his sister, a taxi driver must confront his dark past as he faces off against the city's underworld.
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theaters Bhola Shankar (Hindi)

While attempting to build a life in Kolkata with his sister, a taxi driver must confront his dark past as he faces off against the city's underworld.
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theaters Bhola Shankar (Kannada)

While attempting to build a life in Kolkata with his sister, a taxi driver must confront his dark past as he faces off against the city's underworld.
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theaters Bhola Shankar (Tamil)

While attempting to build a life in Kolkata with his sister, a taxi driver must confront his dark past as he faces off against the city's underworld.
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theaters Bijeg iz Alcatraza

Escape from Alcatraz

On je okorjeli zločinac koji je već bježao iz zatvora. No može li pobjeći iz ovog zloglasnog zatvora na otoku?
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theaters Bilo jednom na Divljem zapadu

Once Upon a Time in the West

U ovom epskom špageti-vesternu kralj željeznice unajmi okorjelog plaćenika da ubije svakog tko se nađe na njegovu putu izgradnje transameričke pruge.
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theaters Bionički ljudi


U distopijskoj budućnosti u kojoj je robotska prostetika potpuno preobrazila sportove, dvije sestre natječu se u skoku u dalj. No zbog tog suparništa pođu mračnim putem.
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theaters Bitchkram

Životni joj je san preseliti se u New York. Ili se barem pretvarati da tamo živi.
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theaters Bitka za Midway


Američka mornarica mora se oduprijeti napadu Japanske carske ratne mornarice u odlučujućoj bitki za kontrolu nad Pacifikom u Drugom svjetskom ratu.
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theaters Bitka za Scheldu

The Forgotten Battle

Tijekom ključne bitke za Scheldu u Drugom svjetskom ratu tragično se isprepletu životi pilota jedrilice, nacističkog vojnika i pripadnice pokreta otpora.
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