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Age is just a number. And the blood in his veins is still warm enough to drive him toward a showdown with his past.
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Age is just a number. And the blood in his veins is still warm enough to drive him toward a showdown with his past.
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On je okorjeli zločinac koji je već bježao iz zatvora. No može li pobjeći iz ovog zloglasnog zatvora na otoku?
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U ovom epskom špageti-vesternu kralj željeznice unajmi okorjelog plaćenika da ubije svakog tko se nađe na njegovu putu izgradnje transameričke pruge.
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A small-town man takes on a dangerous gangster to avenge his father, a police officer who ended his own life after being framed in a deadly crime.
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He's on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth from the only cop who remembers what the truth is.
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Danger lurks on U.S. soil. But not to worry: These two Canadians have things under control. Or do they?
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An English-speaking officer from Toronto and a French-speaking cop from Montreal are forced to work together to solve a crime.
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He's a Mafia don's pet -- and his family's black sheep. But his connections might finally help him win over Dad.
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Tragedija u djetinjstvu razdvojila ih je, a sada će ih ujediniti još moćnija sila: želja za osvetom.
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Izuzetno sposobnoj ekipi pljačkaša banaka koja planira orobiti navodno neprobojan trezor federalnih zaliha na putu stoji elitna losanđeleska policijska postrojba.
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He's stuck with a partner nobody wants, in a city on edge. And tonight, a mystical weapon will unleash chaotic forces.
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An ex-con exacts his own kind of justice. He's done his time. Now he's ready to commit a crime.
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When a job goes murderously wrong and enemies are everywhere, she's got just one mission left: to get out alive.
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He doesn't get much respect as a cop — or as a possible stepdad. But one wild day on the job may turn everything around.
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In the first Chinese remake of an American blockbuster, helmer Benny Chan updates the 2004 thriller Cellular, with Louis Koo starring as a single dad debt collector who becomes embroiled in intrigue when he responds to a stranger's plea for help.
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Kada joj otac pošalje neprocjenjivu ikonu koju je ukrao, Maria mora odlučiti hoće li preuzeti nagradu ili zaštititi oca koji ju je napustio.
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Hunted by fellow cops. Rejected by her community. Now, she's going to show all of them her true colors.
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Tijelo je prolazno, a čast vječna. Kao i njegova reputacija u Harlanovu svijetu, osim ako uspije izvršiti ovaj zadatak.
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A muscle-bound bounty hunter takes on one last assignment, but finds himself on the wrong end of the chase.
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Cunning thieves. Crooked officials. In this cat-and-mouse game, everyone has a blind spot -- but no one’s slowing down.
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