ondemand_video Dino Girl Gauko
She's a normal girl who turns into a dinosaur. But she's not the only strange thing in her peaceful town.
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She's a normal girl who turns into a dinosaur. But she's not the only strange thing in her peaceful town.
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Sorcerous experiments. A city in turmoil. A bloody quest to regain his human form sets off a war between two worlds.
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Heroj sa zvjerskom stranom. Princeza na misiji. Svijet koji visi o koncu. Zmajevi su stvarni, ali nije sve kako izgleda.
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Awakened into a world where humanity has been petrified, scientific genius Senku and his brawny friend Taiju use their skills to rebuild civilization.
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O kvelika moć i grupica neprilagođenih likova mora surađivati kako bi ukrala artefakt zlom čarobnjaku. Snimljeno prema BioWareovoj franšizi videoigara.
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Mysteriously transformed into mini versions of themselves, Goku and his friends travel to the Demon Realm to uncover the truth and find a cure.
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He chose her to be his pilot. Together, they'll soar through the skies, defending the airspace as one.
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Otkad mu je zmaj oduzeo sve, njihove su sudbine neraskidivo povezane, a on sad korača putem osvete.
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Gourmet eats. Fortune. Glory. This airship crew is starving for adventure, and the main ingredient is dragons!
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Umjetna inteligencija nakon globalne financijske krize gurnula je svijet u „održivi rat”. Zadaća Sekcije 9 otklanjanje je novih kibernetičkih prijetnji.
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Ona se pojavi u bujnom svijetu u kojem su ljudi daleka, omražena uspomena, ali je roboti koji je pronađu zavole.
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Usamljeni dječak sa sposobnošću kontroliranja gravitacije u brodu Edens Zero krene u pustolovinu s ciljem susreta sa svemirskom božicom znanom kao Majka.
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U dalekoj budućnosti čovječanstvo je primorano napustiti Zemlju. Svemirski brod prevozi posadu 3D ispisanih stručnjaka koji imaju zadatak pretvoriti novi planet u Zemlju.
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A plundered relic opens a path to ultimate power. After decades of careful preparation, the battle will finally begin.
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The only way out of this virtual world is to win. And in this brutal war, there can only be one winner.
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The son of a prostitute and the son of a pianist have little in common -- except their love of playing the piano.
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Decades after her party defeated the Demon King, an old friend's funeral launches the elf wizard Frieren on a journey of self-discovery.
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Srednjoškolka Sawako, koju zovu „Sadako” jer izgleda jezivo, počne se oslobađati iz ljušture nakon što se sprijatelji s popularnim dečkom Kazehayom.
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U ljeto 1989. četiri klinca u Tokiju svjedoče pojavi kaiju-kornjače Gamere, koja se hrabro suprotstavi ogromnim čudovištima koja proždiru ljude.
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Bježeći od zločina iz prošlosti, Juzo Fujimaki zbog ucjene se mora prijaviti na ilegalni turnir, gdje se bori protiv vrhunskih majstora borilačkih vještina.
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