ondemand_video Black Clover
Two orphans raised as brothers become rivals as they vie for the title of Wizard King, the highest magical rank in the land.
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Two orphans raised as brothers become rivals as they vie for the title of Wizard King, the highest magical rank in the land.
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Beastmen thriving in their own haven apart from humans. With help from a wolf, one raccoon girl searches for answers.
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Insects that eat people. A girl with secrets in her past. A young exterminator who's almost too good at his job.
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While wandering the streets at night, a bored teenager meets a vampire and decides he wants to become one too — but first, he'll need to fall in love.
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Robots, an immortal gunslinger and his trusty pink Cadillac. Together, they’re going on one wild, wild ride.
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Proglašen državnim neprijateljem, kibernetički superjunak traži svrhu za koju se vrijedi boriti u distopijskom društvu u kojemu ništa nije kao što djeluje.
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There's life on Mars in the future, but people aren't very creative here. Two young misfits want to make music anyway.
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Trevor Belmont nije čovjek kakav je nekoć bio. No on je sve što stoji između čovječanstva i Drakulina bijesa.
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Dok se Francuskom širi revolucija, Richter Belmont bori se da očuva obiteljsko naslijeđe i spriječi uspon nemilosrdnog vampirskog vladara željnog moći.
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Otkrivši heretička učenja o Zemlji i Suncu, čudo od djeteta krene u potragu za skrivenim istraživanjima svojeg učitelja i bježi od inkvizitora.
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Islands like ships in the desert. Magic that grants power but shortens life. Destinies change after unexpected meetings.
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A half human, half Yoma monster sets out to attain justice against the evil full-breed Yomas, hideous fiends who feed ruthlessly on humanity.
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U distopijskom svijetu prepunom korupcije i kibernetičkih implantata talentirani, ali nepromišljeni klinac s ulice nastoji postati odmetnički plaćenik, tzv. edgerunner.
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In a bet to prove whether ghosts or aliens exist, two high schoolers face terrifying paranormal threats, gain superpowers and maybe even fall in love?!
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Zmajevi, tamnice i... slastan čudovišni gulaš?! Pustolovi se upute u ukleto zakopano kraljevstvo kako bi spasili prijatelja i usput zakuhaju nevolje.
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After a demon attack leaves his family slain and his sister cursed, Tanjiro embarks upon a perilous journey to find a cure and avenge those he's lost.
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Yuko se preseli u grad prepun tehnologije proširene stvarnosti i pridruži se detektivskoj agenciji svoje bake u kojoj s drugim klincima traži nestalu djecu.
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U ovom satiričnom spinoffu „Detektiva Conana” tajanstveni osumnjičenik stigne u Beiku, gradić kojim hara kriminal, s namjerom da ubija.
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Detektiv, koji je ujedno i agent Javne sigurnosti i član jedne tajne organizacije, žonglira svojim trima identitetima u ovom spinoffu „Detektiva Conana”.
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He’s got a demonic appetite for decadence and a heart of gold -- half demon, half human, all crybaby.
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