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Jedan nije u cvijetu mladosti. Drugi pljačka svaku benzinsku koju vidi. Zajedno su na cesti... Zapravo vrlo simpatični!
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Jedan nije u cvijetu mladosti. Drugi pljačka svaku benzinsku koju vidi. Zajedno su na cesti... Zapravo vrlo simpatični!
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Gledaj na Netflixu
Nakon što se vrate s očeva sprovoda i dođu do neočekivana nasljedstva, počnu se događati čuda.
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Gledaj na Netflixu
Seks, droga i vatromet emocija. Ovaj doček Nove godine ima eksplozivan početak i dramatičan svršetak.
Hrvatski titlovi
Gledaj na Netflixu
U Parizu dvojica disfunkcionalnih dilera koriste se obiteljskim vezama da unaprijede prodaju droge u ovoj uvredljivoj komediji snimljenoj prema internetskoj seriji.
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Skits, shorts and hundreds of f-bombs. Possibly thousands. Coming at you live from Nova Scotia!
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Desperate times call for these foul-mouthed degenerates, who are awfully good at using bad words.
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Zafrkantova lažna otmica na momačkoj se večeri pretvori u pravu, uslijed čega se mora infiltrirati u terorističku skupinu i spasti mladoženju.
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He kidnaps her, she pays him. It's a simple arrangement. But the cops at his door? Not so simple.
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Embezzlement, fake concert tickets, a drug dealer and a Craigslist disaster. Weird day at the gourmet grocery store.
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People keep telling her to enjoy her 20s. Loser boyfriends? Bad decisions? Broken engagements? Yeah, she's having the time of her life.
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Dopuštaš da napaljeni čudak od terapeuta spava u tvojem podrumu? To je loša ideja!
Hrvatski titlovi
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Saloon shootouts, vigilante justice, covered wagons on the trail. Saddle up for six Wild West tales, Coen brothers-style.
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Estranged from family and each other, they find visiting home to be a drag -- unless there's something big to be gained!
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Outrageous acts. Insatiable addictions. Thundering rock 'n' roll. Mötley Crüe's down-and-dirty autobiography comes to life.
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A writer stuck in the past. A teen with an uncertain future. On a road trip full of firsts, they get a new lease on life.
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He wanted to shake up his stifled life but wrecked it instead. Now his search for hope begins amid the rubble.
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A fizzling romance. A shocking crime. A ridiculous plan. They can't even figure out their relationship. How will they solve a murder?
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They grew up vying for Dad's love. Now they're stuck feeding his ego. And he's about to push them to the breaking point.
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Some people use their imagination to write a novel. His creative tools? Eavesdropping, manipulation, deceit.
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Their spring break trip went sideways fast. Now their friend's fate -- and his most prized asset -- rests in their hands.
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