theaters The Perfect Dictatorship
There’s no scandal so bad that some clever media spin can’t clean it up. Reality is only what you tell people it is.
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There’s no scandal so bad that some clever media spin can’t clean it up. Reality is only what you tell people it is.
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He's got a heart of gold. A closet full of lamé. And a moneymaking scheme that seems too good to be believed.
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He shares everything that's in his head. No offense if you're undateable or come from Mississippi.
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Trpio je nepravdu i predrasude, no nije dopustio da ga surova stvarnost porazi. Uživaj u šalama i životnim savjetima.
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When his partner in crime goes missing, a small-time crook’s life is transformed as he dedicates himself to raising the daughter his friend left behind.
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Not an Olympic athlete? Not living your best life? Good. This is the comedy special for everyone who's out there doing the best they can.
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Making jokes this bold takes balls — and he came to play. Cue the uncomfortable laughter.
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Naked old men. Naughty nurse fantasies. Racially charged small talk with Dad. Stop him when it gets awkward.
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After a near-death experience, he's back in the spotlight with a raunchy set that's steeped in self-reflection.
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Fresh out of jail, three boozy buddies discover their trailer park's gone to hell. Time for another white-trash war!
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You thought the boys would actually sober up? Not until after they change the world.
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They've seen enough Al Pacino movies to know you have to hide your loot. Regrettably, they're not Al Pacino.
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Three dim bulb pals just got out of jail with a brilliant plan: stealing enough coins to go straight. That'll work.
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U ovoj mračnoj komediji iz 1975. napetosti između dominantnog patrijarha ekscentrične tvornice jaja i njegova buntovnoga sina dolaze do vrhunca.
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Kad se siromašna obitelj suoči s tragedijom, spremno prihvati sve što im se u situaciji nudi.
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Defeated and humiliated in a fight while trying to defuse a conflict among his fellow villagers, a photographer vows revenge on his attacker.
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Ima invaliditet, ljut je i dosta mu je isforsirane pozitive. Jedna vedra grupa za potporu naišla je na sebi ravna.
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Prijatelji koji dođu na otok na ljetni tulum imaju problema s pristajanjem, što dovede do niza mračno komičnih događaja.
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These four friends are corruption's worst nightmare. But their mission is about to take an unexpected turn.
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On se ne uklapa u njihovu bizarnu, malograđansku kulturu, ali ti jezivi običaji počinju utjecati i na njega.
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