theaters 13: Mjuzikl
Preselivši se iz New Yorka u Indianu nakon razvoda roditelja, lukavi osnovnoškolac odluči prirediti najbolju bar micvu u povijesti.
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Preselivši se iz New Yorka u Indianu nakon razvoda roditelja, lukavi osnovnoškolac odluči prirediti najbolju bar micvu u povijesti.
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Santa wants to skip Christmas and drown his sorrows in milk and cookies. It's up to the StoryBots to save the day!
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Join the StoryBots and the space travelers of the historic Inspiration4 mission as they search for answers to kids' questions about space.
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Svako stvorenje zaslužuje pomoć. A kad ih život ne mazi, ona pojuri i u pomoć dolazi!
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Mala znanstvenica Ada Vijugica s dvoje najboljih prijatelja postavlja velika pitanja i radi na otkrivanju istine o svemu!
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Djevojčica i njezina baka kreću u živopisnu glazbenu pustolovinu kako bi poništile čaroliju i pomogle davno izgubljenom čarobnjaku.
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Arlo je kao i svi drugi: voli prijatelje, nedostaje mu obitelj i živi za pustolovinu. Nema veze što je napola aligator.
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Barbie’s younger sister Stacie takes center stage in a big movie adventure filled with new friends, fun songs and lots of puppies!
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At a summer performing arts program in New York City, Barbie from Malibu meets Barbie from Brooklyn, and the two become fast friends.
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With new friends in a new kingdom, Barbie learns what it means to be herself when she trades places with a royal lookalike in this musical adventure.
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Timeless tunes made famous by the Beatles inspire bug-sized stories with big lessons for little ones.
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A talent show. A televised singing contest. And a new friend waiting in the wings. With teamwork, they've already won!
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Join baby Finn and his family on fun-filled adventures while learning something new every time. Get ready to sing and dance!
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It’s time to get moving and grooving with Bebefinn as he explores the wide world around him through music and easy-to-follow dances!
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Fun and friendly Blippi takes preschoolers along on interactive and educational field trips, keeping them constantly curious about their world.
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Celebrating 10 years of fun and silliness, Blippi and friends build a huge ball pit, climb through an obstacle course, bounce around with dinos and more!
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Blippi and Meekah's best friends show off their favorite dance moves, magic tricks and inventions in a talent show filled with fun and feel-good vibes!
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Glazba. Čarolija. I najčudesniji izum koji je svijet ikada vidio. Sve je moguće... ako vjeruješ.
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Charlie s pomoću različitih oblika stvara zabavne priče i potrebna mu je tvoja pomoć! Prati ga u ludim pustolovinama posvuda.
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This little pup’s got a big secret: The tiny stuffed mouse in her pocket is real! And she’s there whenever she needs her.
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