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theaters The Scandalous Four

Supružnici koje su obitelji prisilile na brak bez ljubavi izazovu prijezir i skandale kada pronađu utjehu u rukama dvojice muškaraca koji rade na njihovu imanju.
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theaters The Set Up

Manipulation and personal vendettas collide when a con artist hires a young woman to assist with his scheme to marry a wealthy heiress.
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theaters The Shop at Sly Corner

Lukavi bivši zatvorenik vodi uspješan antikvarijat, sve dok njegov pomoćnik ne otkrije da je roba zapravo ukradena te ga počne ucjenjivati.
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theaters The Siege of Pinchgut

Muškarac sa suučesnicima pobjegne iz zatvora i iz Sydneyja. Kad im se brod pokvari u blizini Fort Denisona, uzmu za taoce čuvara i njegovu obitelj.
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theaters The Solitary Child

Udavši se za zemljoposjednika čija je bivša supruga umrla nasilnom smrću, djevojka počne nalaziti zlokobne poruke o njemu po kući.
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theaters The Son

In this psychological thriller, painter Lorenzo's life spirals out of control as he fears his wife is trying to isolate him from their infant son.
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theaters The Soul

A mysterious homicide. A nefarious experiment. As the clock ticks, will they be tempted by this death-defying venture?
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theaters The Teacher

A physical education teacher navigates the brutal aftermath of a sexual assault as she grapples with her husband’s indifference and a thirst for revenge.
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theaters The Throne

Two sons of a powerful Pedi chief in South Africa struggle for control of their father's kingdom, forcing others in the household to take sides.
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theaters The Tommy Steele Story

Tommy Steele Story

Ovaj biografski film prati britanskog rokera koji u bolnici uči svirati gitaru i otkriva svoj zabavljački potencijal radeći na brodu.
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theaters The Vow

A newlywed couple takes a luxurious vacation with their unmarried friends — but a wild night on the town leads to revelations, doubts and dilemmas.
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theaters The Wait

Faith becomes a beacon for people struggling with family, career ambition and romantic longing in this adaptation of Yewande Zaccheaus' popular book.
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theaters The Waiter

Nakon što otkrije truplo, stidljivi konobar uplete se u izopačeni ljubavni trokut i tajanstveni nestanak svojeg susjeda.
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theaters The Wedding Shaman

After a betrayal at work, a finance professional becomes an assistant to a bride shaman in order to salvage her only remaining property — and love life.
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theaters The Wildflower

Three women silently endure abuse and assault from a lecherous boss, an abusive husband and a creepy neighbor until one of the women speaks out.
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