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theaters The Last Paradiso

Ganjao je san o slobodi i bio je nadahnuće drugima, što je skupo platio. No može li nada ikada doista umrijeti?
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theaters The Last Soviet Movie

U ovoj parodiji sovjetskih akcijskih filmova gledamo pisca iz Brooklyna koji istražuje podrijetlo svojih predaka... koji su bili veliki igrači u ruskoj revoluciji.
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theaters The Last Wife

Tormented by her obligations, the third wife of a district governor risks further hardship when she explores her feelings for a childhood sweetheart.
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theaters The Lift Boy

When a lazy young man replaces his father as the elevator operator of a posh residential complex, what he sees as menial work soon takes on new meaning.
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theaters The Man on the Other Side

U ovom špijunskom trileru smještenom u doba Hladnog rata tajna policija zarobi tajnicu iz Zapadne Njemačke koja pomaže svojem dečku u krađi vladinih dokumenata.
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theaters The Man Who Wouldn't Talk

U ovoj britanskoj sudskoj drami iz 1958. američki znanstvenik optužen za ubojstvo supruge mora dokazati svoju nevinost i pritom ne otkriti tajne.
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theaters The Missing

After the death of a family member, a troubled animator confronts buried memories while outrunning a mysterious alien from his past.
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theaters The Motive

Some people use their imagination to write a novel. His creative tools? Eavesdropping, manipulation, deceit.
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