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theaters Don

Seeking a sense of purpose, a wayward college student navigates life on campus while enduring a controlling father and a disciplinarian professor.
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theaters Dosje Valachi

The Valachi Papers

Snimljen prema bestseleru P. Maasa o zatvorskom priznanju Josepha Valachija i njegovu svjedočenju u Senatu, ovaj film zbog neočekivanih se „nesreća” snimao u inozemstvu.
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theaters Dostana

To win over a landlady who only accepts women as tenants, two men pose as a couple – but the jig may be up when they both fall for their flatmate.
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theaters Double Dad

When she went searching for a father, she found two. Which is the real one? In her heart, she knows.
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theaters Double XL

Relentlessly shamed for their weight, two women head to London to prove that the size of their dreams is the only one that matters.
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theaters Douche

Nadobudni umjetnik svoj mali grad zamijeni velikim, skupim gradom i dobije ponudu: manipulirati mladom ženom u zamjenu za financijsku pomoć.
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theaters Dragi Davide

Dear David

Život uspješne srednjoškolke okrene se naglavačke nakon što svi u školi doznaju za njezin sočan blog o mladiću koji joj se potajice sviđa.
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theaters Dragi John

Dear John

U ovoj drami iz 1964. razvedeni kapetan i ljupka samohrana majka uplove u strastvenu, ali kompliciranu ljubavnu vezu na obalama svojeg lučkog grada.
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theaters Dragulj


Fotografkinji u posjetu spomeniku na masakr pozornost privuče jedna mještanka. Njihova romansa probudi bolne uspomene na zajedničku prošlost.
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theaters Dražen


Ovaj biografski film prati život košarkaške legende Dražena Petrovića, od početaka u Hrvatskoj do statusa zvijezde NBA-e i tragedije koja mu je naglo okončala karijeru.
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theaters Drishyam

He'll do anything to protect his family. Even if it means making deceitful decisions that might come back to haunt him.
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theaters Druga istina

The Other Truth

Život vještog odvjetnika okrene se naglavačke kada njegova strastvena veza s mladom ženom dovede do opasna ljubavnog trokuta i optužbe za ubojstvo.
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theaters Druga strana priče

The Half Of It

Ona je talentirana i introvertirana. On je simpatičan sportaš. Zaljubljeni su u istu curu. Prve ljubavi su komplicirane.
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theaters Drugo lice Samanthe

The Client List

She's a married mom turned escort who knows everyone's dirtiest secrets. Can this double life lead to a happy ending?
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theaters Dry Martina

A passionate man who could be her next great romance. An eager fan who could be her sister. Are they enough to satisfy her search for love?
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theaters Državna tajna

State Secret

Američki kirurg posjeti jednu europsku zemlju kako bi primio nagradu. Međutim, uskoro shvati da je prevarom uvučen u opasan plan te počne planirati odvažni bijeg.
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theaters DSP

Forced into exile after an encounter with a ruthless don, a young man returns as a police officer to exact revenge on his nemesis.
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theaters DSP (Hindi)

Forced into exile after an encounter with a ruthless don, a young man returns as a police officer to exact revenge on his nemesis.
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theaters DSP (Kannada)

Forced into exile after an encounter with a ruthless don, a young man returns as a police officer to exact revenge on his nemesis.
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theaters DSP (Malayalam)

Forced into exile after an encounter with a ruthless don, a young man returns as a police officer to exact revenge on his nemesis.
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