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theaters Madras Café

An alcoholic agent is the only thing standing between a politician and assassins. He may be flawed -- but he's fearless.
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theaters Maestro

Ova neustrašiva ljubavna priča prati kompliciranu cjeloživotnu vezu glazbene legende Leonarda Bernsteina i Felicije Montealegre Cohn Bernstein.
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theaters Mafijaš


Antonio Badalamenti, dužnosnik u jednoj tvornici automobila, nađe se u neočekivanoj ulozi nakon što mafija zatraži da im uzvrati uslugu i od njega naruči ubojstvo.
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theaters Mafijaška frizerka

Miss Shampoo

Pripravnica u frizerskom salonu slučajno spasi život jednog gangstera... što salonu donese brojne nove klijente, a njoj hrpu kaosa.
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theaters Maha Samudram

Two best friends with contrasting moral principles find their beliefs and relationship challenged when circumstances involve them with the underworld.
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theaters Maha Samudram (Tamil)

Two best friends with contrasting moral principles find their beliefs and relationship challenged when circumstances involve them with the underworld.
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theaters Maharadža


Hrabri novinar propitkuje nemoralno ponašanje cijenjenog vođe. Snimljeno prema istinitom povijesnom sudskom slučaju.
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theaters Maharaja

When his prized possession gets stolen, a barber seeks help from the police, who jeer at his request — until they learn what they're really looking for.
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theaters Mahler na kauču

Mahler on the Couch

Nakon što glasoviti skladatelj Gustav Mahler sazna za nevjeru svoje žene Alme, zavali se na kauč Sigmunda Freuda i otvori mu dušu o najrazličitijim temama.
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theaters Mai

When a struggling single mother falls for a wealthy heartbreaker, their risky romance could just turn their lives around — or tear their worlds apart.
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theaters Maître du monde

Master of the World

Iako je vrlo uspješan, 40-godišnji Richard sit je života prema tuđim idealima i moralu te odluči promijeniti život da bude vjeran sebi.
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theaters Majčine poruke

Notes for My Son

Ispisala je bilježnicu kako je sin ne bi zaboravio. Na kraju je ostala u sjećanju čitave zemlje.
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theaters Majka

The Mother

Plaćena ubojica koju je obučila vojska prestane se skrivati kako bi zaštitila kćer koju nikad nije upoznala od nemilosrdnih zločinaca koji traže osvetu.
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theaters Majka: Slijepa ljubav


Žestoka i poremećena ljubav majke. Dječak zarobljen u njezinu svijetu. Tragični zločin. Snimljeno prema istinitoj priči.
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theaters Majmun


Nakon što se jednoga jutra misteriozno probudi na podu kupaonice, dan švedskog instruktora vožnje postaje sve nadrealniji.
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theaters Majmun


Polusestre Iva i Maja moraju brzo odrasti kada njihov otac Andrej padne u komu, čime im se život izvrne naglavce.
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theaters Major (Hindi)

This biopic follows the life of Indian Army officer Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, from his childhood to his heroic actions during the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
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theaters Major (Malayalam)

This biopic follows the life of Indian Army officer Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, from his childhood to his heroic actions during the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
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theaters Major (Telugu)

This biopic follows the life of Indian Army officer Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, from his childhood to his heroic actions during the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
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theaters Making It Up

Ana and Rita are flat broke. So when unpredictable Alex offers them a job, they kind of have to say yes — to the gig and to a big ol' mess.
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