theaters Loser Takes All
Glasovite kockarnice Monte Carla dovedu u kušnju brak mladog para koji doputuje u grad na medeni mjesec.
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Glasovite kockarnice Monte Carla dovedu u kušnju brak mladog para koji doputuje u grad na medeni mjesec.
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Her daughter's missing. The cops are indifferent. Now a mother’s furious fight for answers will unearth a chilling wave of crimes.
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Bruno se nakon puštanja iz zatvora trudi ponovo izgraditi svoj život, no nikako da zadovolji oca, a još se k tomu i zaljubi u ženu koja se odvikava od droge.
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Nakon što zatrudni, Clara i njezin ljubavnik Ismaël počnu živjeti zajedno, ali njezina židovska i njegova muslimanska obitelj tu vijest ne prime dobro.
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Nakon što tijekom oluje netko otme djevojčicu iz susjedstva, tajanstvena usamljenica koja mirno živi sa svojim psom krene u borbu protiv prirode i mračne prošlosti.
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Želeći si promijeniti život i profitirati na nezahvalnom poslu, tvornički radnik smisli plan kojim će nasamariti šefa i preprodati njegove luksuzne parfeme.
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Profesionalni istrebljivač glodavaca u središtu je ove manje poznate kratke priče Roalda Dahla.
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She wants to keep it casual. He wants commitment. For this love story to have a future, it may need some help from the past.
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Still grieving her fiance's death, an artist texts her deepest thoughts to his phone and forms a bond with the man who receives them by chance.
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While raising their autistic son, Ayla and Paolo face societal skepticism and economic stress, forcing them to reassess their future plans.
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When an artist becomes colorblind after an accident, his long-besotted friend tries to help. But two other love interests complicate matters.
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Stjuardesa se zaljubi u svog učitelja, a njihov međurasni odnos predmet je kritika obitelji i prijatelja.
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The polls will decide which of them will be governor. But will their marriage survive the vote?
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He's head over heels for his best friend, but her heart beats for another man. Will his selfless love endure?
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When persistent Leon sweeps her off her feet, ambitious Angel must choose between true love and her dreams of a luxurious life.
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Before they get married, a couple must swap phones for 24 hours at the behest of the bride-to-be's suspicious father.
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Before they get married, a couple must swap phones for 24 hours at the behest of the bride-to-be's suspicious father.
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Before they get married, a couple must swap phones for 24 hours at the behest of the bride-to-be’s suspicious father.
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Sushrut falls head over heels for Michelle at a festival in India. When she heads home, he follows her – and his heart – all the way to London.
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While recovering from heartbreak, a screenwriter finds new inspiration when she makes an unexpected connection with a man via an old walkie-talkie.
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