Gangsterski filmovi: 45 naslova


theaters Maska

The Mask

Mask on, he's got crazy superpowers; mask off, he's a timid clerk. Crooks would love it. You can take that to the bank.
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theaters Miss Bala

Prijateljica joj je oteta, a ona ne zna kome se prikloniti. Da bi preživjela, morat će igrati za obje strane.
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theaters Moj otac Rocco Chinnici

Rocco Chinnici - May Your Kiss Lie Lightly On My Head

U ovom biografskom filmu ispričanom iz perspektive njegove kćeri, talijanski sudac povede pohod protiv organiziranog kriminala koji će ga u konačnici stajati života.
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theaters Mute

A man without words dives into a world without rules. He's not coming up for air until he finds her.
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theaters Najveći rizik

Maximum Risk

He's a cop with the Russian mob on his tail. And the FBI. Now he's his evil twin. Don't worry, he'll be kicking it.
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theaters Pakleni šund

Pulp Fiction

Ovaj stilizirani krimić spaja priče o plaćenom ubojici, njegovom filozofski raspoloženom partneru i propalom boksaču.
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theaters Posljednji posao

Layer Cake

A suave London cocaine dealer prefers his legit day job. He wants to retire, but this last job isn't a piece of cake.
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theaters Povezani krvlju


Trebao je pronaći oca u drugoj zemlji. No nisu mu trebale nevolje s mafijom iz stare države.
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theaters Prebrzi i prežestoki

2 Fast 2 Furious

Kada ga uhite u Miamiju, bivši policajac Brian O'Conner prihvati nagodbu s FBI-em da ode na tajni zadatak kao vozač kartela, a za pomoć zamoli starog frenda iz L. A.-a.
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theaters Put na vrh

Sky High

Kad su u pitanju pljačke, samo je nebo granica. No cijena bi mogla biti prava ljubav.
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theaters Sicario

Agentica FBI-ja sudjeluje u tajnoj operaciji čija je meta meksički kralj droge. Nakon prelaska granice mora se nositi s etičkim dvojbama.
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theaters Sleepless

He’s supposedly a good cop who's never had trouble being the bad guy -- until his son's life is on the line.
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theaters The Drug King

He just saw it as a way of supporting his family. He didn't count on getting ensnared in the foul underbelly of greed.
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theaters The Outsider

A brotherhood unlike any other, formed in a foreign land. He'll abide by a sworn oath, and a treacherous path awaits.
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theaters The Ruthless

He didn't intend to become a brutal criminal mastermind. A brief but unwarranted stint in juvie would change that.
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theaters Time to Hunt

They're chasing after enough cash to say goodbye to the hopeless hell they live in. The hunter on their tail has other plans.
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theaters Tko je izvukao čep? 3

Who Pulled The Plug? 3

Godinama nakon što su pobijedili u utrci Göta-kanalom život obitelji brodograditelja zakomplicira se kad se upletu u posao s mafijom.
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