Filmovi strave: 335 naslova


theaters Iznajmljuje se kuća

Home for Rent

Kada joj se dobri stanari pretvore u grozne, stanodavku počne terorizirati kult koji je naizgled opčinio njezina supruga... a namjerio se i na njezinu kćer.
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theaters Janji Darah

A married couple awaiting their first child contend with sinister supernatural forces whose origins may lie in a pledge made deep in the past.
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theaters Kaal

Trapped in a national park, a tiger expert and a group of hunters turn to an enigmatic local for help when they mysteriously begin to die one by one.
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theaters Kadaver


Usred gladi stiže ponuda koja obećava obrok i bijeg. Očekuje ih prava predstava... No mogu li je preživjeti?
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theaters Kamere smrti

My Little Eye

Petero mladih ljudi mora živjeti zajedno šest mjeseci u sklopu reality showa koji daje nagradu od milijun dolara. U čemu je kvaka? Ako bilo tko ode, svi ostaju bez centa.
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theaters Kampon

Strange events plague an ex-cop after he takes in a girl who insists that she's his daughter. Now he sets out to learn who she is and what she's after.
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theaters Kang Mak from Pee Mak

Returning home with his friends, a soldier reunites with his wife, not knowing she's become a ghost. But her death's not the end of their love story.
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theaters Kao od šale

Children's Play

Nakon što se s obitelji preseli u novi stan, žena počne doživljavati natprirodne vizije povezane sa starim parom koji je prije tu živio.
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theaters Karika


Žena se useli u kuću ekscentričnog zoologa kao pomoćnica u istraživanju. No, nakon što on nestane, njegovi primati postaju sve nasilniji.
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theaters Katteri

A group of bungling crooks heads to a deserted village to seek out hidden treasure — but aren't prepared for the gaggle of ghosts they encounter inside.
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theaters Katteri (Kannada)

A group of bungling crooks heads to a deserted village to seek out hidden treasure — but aren't prepared for the gaggle of ghosts they encounter inside.
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theaters Katteri (Malayalam)

A group of bungling crooks heads to a deserted village to seek out hidden treasure — but aren't prepared for the gaggle of ghosts they encounter inside.
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theaters Katteri (Telugu)

A group of bungling crooks heads to a deserted village to seek out hidden treasure — but aren't prepared for the gaggle of ghosts they encounter inside.
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theaters Kći za đavla

To the Devil a Daughter

Pisac okultnih knjiga otkrije plan heretičkog svećenika da časnu sestru pretvori u Sotoninu nevjestu te se bori protiv sila zla da spasi djevojčinu tijelo i dušu.
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theaters Keeping Love Alive

They're the ultimate ride-or-die couple. Now Sheila and Joel of "Santa Clarita Diet" share their secrets to a healthy romance in an exclusive video.
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theaters Klasična horor priča

A Classic Horror Story

U ovom brutalnom i napetom filmu stranci koji putuju južnom Italijom zaglave u šumi, gdje se moraju očajnički boriti za opstanak.
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theaters Kletva

The Grudge

An investigator follows the trail of a grisly case back to a cursed house harboring a tangled, gruesome history — and an ugly, boundless rage.
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theaters Knjižni klub ubojica

Killer Book Club

Osmero prijatelja koji vole stravu mora se boriti za živote kada ih klaun-ubojica koji zna mračnu tajnu koju dijele počne ubijati jedno po jedno.
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theaters Kolijevka straha

Cradle of Fear

Iako je zatvoren u ludnici, ubojica djece Kemper pronađe način da nastavi s krvavim pohodom uz pomoć predanog sluge željnog osvete za utamničenje svojeg gospodara.
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