Filmovi strave: 335 naslova


theaters He Never Died

Immortal, superhuman, full of dark secrets -- and he's a cannibal. Don't mess with him or you'll be today's lunch.
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theaters Hellhole

U Poljskoj 1987. godine policajac koji istražuje tajanstvene nestanke infiltrira se u izolirani samostan i otkrije mračnu tajnu o ondašnjem svećenstvu.
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theaters His House

After the nightmare of their past, the house symbolizes a new beginning. The evil that lurks inside may not allow one.
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theaters HollyBlood

Očajnički želeći osvojiti naklonost svoje simpatije, sramežljivi tinejdžer preruši se u vampira, nesvjestan činjenice da u pozadini vreba istinski besmrtnik.
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Šesto čulo probudila je trepanacija. Kakve će tajne otkriti svojim trećim okom dok se pokušava sjetiti svoje prošlosti?
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theaters Hospital

In the space between life and death, the past comes back to haunt them. Will they run — or try to make contact?
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theaters Ile Owo

Luckless in love, a young nurse finally meets the perfect man — a handsome billionaire — only to learn that his family harbors some deep, dark secrets.
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theaters Imamo duha

We Have a Ghost

Otkrivši duha s mračnom prošlošću u svojoj novoj kući, obitelj postane internetskom senzacijom, ali i metom sumnjive državne agencije.
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theaters Incantation

Six years ago, Li Ronan was cursed after breaking a religious taboo. Now, she must protect her daughter from the consequences of her actions.
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theaters Indigo

In order to rescue her sister from the clutches of a vengeful ghost, a woman must unlock her latent supernatural abilities and navigate the metaphysical realms.
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theaters Insidious: The Red Door

Josh Lambert and his college-age son Dalton grapple with generational trauma when they uncover repressed memories of the demon haunting their family.
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theaters Ispod Sjenki

Under the Shadow

During the Iran-Iraq conflict, a Tehran woman caring for her daughter while her husband is at war is gradually convinced evil spirits are at work.
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theaters Izbavi nas od zla

Deliver Us from Evil

A cop and a priest -- not your typical investigative team. Unless the crime in question is beyond human, beyond evil.
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theaters Izbavljenje

The Deliverance

Samohrana majka Ebony Jackson radi novog početka preseli obitelj u novi dom... u kojemu već živi nešto zlo. Nadahnuto stravičnim istinitim događajima.
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theaters Izlet

The Trip

Muž i žena odu u osamljenu kolibu u želji da svoj brak okončaju međusobnim ubojstvom. Ubrzo se suoče s još većom prijetnjom.
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