theaters Class of '83
One upright veteran. Five lethal novices. To clean up the unscrupulous system, they may first need to start playing dirty.
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One upright veteran. Five lethal novices. To clean up the unscrupulous system, they may first need to start playing dirty.
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Becoming a teacher was the last thing he wanted. On a path he's always rejected, will he find a new purpose?
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Hunted by fellow cops. Rejected by her community. Now, she's going to show all of them her true colors.
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Immigrant laborers and corrupt police. In a world of desperation, doing the right thing isn't just hard. It's dangerous.
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Odvojen od svoje kćeri, otac s intelektualnim teškoćama mora dokazati svoju nevinost nakon što je optužen za ubojstvo zapovjednikova djeteta.
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Talentirani filmaš, zločin i sudska bitka. Za Stevea sazrijevanje znači borbu protiv sustava koji ga želi slomiti.
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Dok su na odmoru, detektivski bračni par John i Kajsa Hillman traže nestalu ženu. Ljudi s kojima razgovaraju počinju umirati.
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They're desperate and have a knack for heists. Two teenage sisters hatch a plan so crazy it just might work.
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Ročnici shvate da bi nagomilani vojni resursi mogli biti od koristi mještanima i osnuju ubrzo vrlo uspješnu tvrtku u kojoj ih prodaju.
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He'll do anything to protect his family. Even if it means making deceitful decisions that might come back to haunt him.
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He’s a cook. His look-alike’s a con. One’s got culinary dreams. The other’s stirring up some serious trouble.
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He's an honest man caught up in a brutal criminal showdown. And he'll do whatever it takes to save his daughter.
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A precarious friendship. A haunting romance. She came to Japan to start life anew. But has death followed her here, too?
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A drifter, a drunk, a deputy, a reporter and a single mom are about to experience a wild Christmas they never saw coming.
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In the wake of his dramatic escape from captivity, Jesse must come to terms with his past in order to forge some kind of future.
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Majka? Nestala. Braća, Sherlock i Mycroft? Nikakve koristi od njih. Misterij će morati riješiti sama. Igra je započela.
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After a life of violence, he sought peace at a retirement home. But his nurse sought revenge.
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Prije nego što je postao narkobos i prije tajne policijske operacije bio je poslušnik na smrtonosnoj misiji.
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Njegov šef narkobos završio je u zatvoru. Ovaj drski klinac sada mora misliti na posao, a ne na šefovu djevojku.
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At work, her fight to get justice for others is fueled by her painful past. But how long will her personal history haunt her at home?
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