Kriminalističke drame: 141 naslov


theaters The Set Up

Manipulation and personal vendettas collide when a con artist hires a young woman to assist with his scheme to marry a wealthy heiress.
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theaters The Soul

A mysterious homicide. A nefarious experiment. As the clock ticks, will they be tempted by this death-defying venture?
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theaters Tko je kome smjestio

The Score

Iskusni obijač sefova Nick, osebujni preprodavač krivotvorina Max i talentirani, no prevrtljivi kradljivac Jackie udruže snage kako bi opljačkali carinarnicu u Montrealu.
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theaters Totem

Mladić s ambicijom da poput svojeg brata uđe u mračni svijet kriminala uplete se u trgovinu drogom i sukob sa suparničkom mafijom.
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theaters Tramps

They both need a fresh start. They might find it with each other ... if they can just locate that briefcase they lost.
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theaters Triple Nine

A group of dirty Atlanta cops blackmailed by the Russian mob plan a seemingly impossible heist that sets off an explosive chain reaction of violence.
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theaters Udta Punjab

Drug abuse and the darker side of Punjab rear their heads in the intense, interwoven tales of a cop, a doctor, a migrant worker and a rock star.
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theaters Uncut Gems

Meet Howard Ratner: hustler, gambler, jeweler. He's just one scheme away from hitting it big -- and one misstep from losing it all.
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theaters Ungli

These four friends are corruption's worst nightmare. But their mission is about to take an unexpected turn.
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theaters Užasno sretan

Terribly Happy

On se ne uklapa u njihovu bizarnu, malograđansku kulturu, ali ti jezivi običaji počinju utjecati i na njega.
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theaters Your Son

A son fighting to survive. A father hunting for his attackers. He's determined to find answers. But is he prepared to face them?
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theaters Za sve te djevojke

I Am All Girls

Iako su na suprotnim stranama zakona, dijele isti cilj: razbiti lanac trgovine djecom, pod svaku cijenu.
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theaters Zametnuti metak

Lost Bullet

Kad genijalnog mehaničara sa zločinačkom prošlošću optuže za ubojstvo, on mora pronaći nestali auto u kojem se nalazi dokaz da je nevin: jedan jedini metak.
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theaters Zločinački um


Kako bi spriječile terorističku urotu, vlasti ugrade sjećanja i vještine mrtvog agenta CIA-e u osuđenog ubojicu koji se emocionalno promijeni.
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theaters Zodijak


Stravični zločini. Zagonetni tragovi. Neuhvatljivi ubojica izaziva policiju i medije te pobuđuje dugu, mračnu opsesiju.
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