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A different breed of hero on the hoof. An adventure to make audiences snort with laughter.
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A different breed of hero on the hoof. An adventure to make audiences snort with laughter.
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Drski filmaš protiv omiljene zvijezde. Bez probe. Bez ponovljenih scena. Filmski će život postati previše stvaran.
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Krađa automobila punog plijena mafijašima pred nosom nije baš recept za dug život.
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Age is just a number. And the blood in his veins is still warm enough to drive him toward a showdown with his past.
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Danger lurks on U.S. soil. But not to worry: These two Canadians have things under control. Or do they?
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An English-speaking officer from Toronto and a French-speaking cop from Montreal are forced to work together to solve a crime.
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He's a Mafia don's pet -- and his family's black sheep. But his connections might finally help him win over Dad.
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He faked his death, got the girl, won the money. Then karma came calling, demanding that he pay ... for his own murder.
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However dire your troubles, there's always a chance they'll be resolved. In this case, it's a "ghost" of a chance.
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He doesn't get much respect as a cop — or as a possible stepdad. But one wild day on the job may turn everything around.
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Becoming a teacher was the last thing he wanted. On a path he's always rejected, will he find a new purpose?
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Kada joj otac pošalje neprocjenjivu ikonu koju je ukrao, Maria mora odlučiti hoće li preuzeti nagradu ili zaštititi oca koji ju je napustio.
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Nakon što je Sickan odležao 10 mjeseci u zatvoru zbog manje provale, misteriozni bankar nagna ga da se vrati u akciju kao kradljivac dijamanata.
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They're desperate and have a knack for heists. Two teenage sisters hatch a plan so crazy it just might work.
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Kad obitelj nestalog čovjeka ne želi da ga itko pronađe, angažiraju Roberta Bogeruda, detektiva u stilu Humphreyja Bogarta koji slučajno ima Downov sindrom.
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Ročnici shvate da bi nagomilani vojni resursi mogli biti od koristi mještanima i osnuju ubrzo vrlo uspješnu tvrtku u kojoj ih prodaju.
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Nakon ubojstva bogata markiza glavni su sumnjivci nasljednici iz njegove obitelji, sve dok jedan od njih i sam ne postane metom, kako se čini, istog ubojice.
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A muscle-bound bounty hunter takes on one last assignment, but finds himself on the wrong end of the chase.
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He’s a cook. His look-alike’s a con. One’s got culinary dreams. The other’s stirring up some serious trouble.
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A drifter, a drunk, a deputy, a reporter and a single mom are about to experience a wild Christmas they never saw coming.
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