Nadnaravni hororci: 57 naslova


theaters Glasovi

Don’t Listen

Nakon tragičnog događaja u njegovu novom domu Daniel čuje sablastan poziv u pomoć, koji ga natjera da potraži pomoć slavnog stručnjaka za paranormalno.
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ondemand_video Goedam

When night falls on the city, shadows and spirits come alive in this horror anthology series centered on urban legends.
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theaters His House

After the nightmare of their past, the house symbolizes a new beginning. The evil that lurks inside may not allow one.
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Šesto čulo probudila je trepanacija. Kakve će tajne otkriti svojim trećim okom dok se pokušava sjetiti svoje prošlosti?
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theaters Hospital

In the space between life and death, the past comes back to haunt them. Will they run — or try to make contact?
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theaters Ispod Sjenki

Under the Shadow

During the Iran-Iraq conflict, a Tehran woman caring for her daughter while her husband is at war is gradually convinced evil spirits are at work.
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theaters Izbavi nas od zla

Deliver Us from Evil

A cop and a priest -- not your typical investigative team. Unless the crime in question is beyond human, beyond evil.
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theaters Kaal

Trapped in a national park, a tiger expert and a group of hunters turn to an enigmatic local for help when they mysteriously begin to die one by one.
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theaters Ludo

Four people are trapped into playing an ancient game of leather, glass and bone. Survival is the winner's only prize.
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theaters Misterij otoka Block

The Block Island Sound

Obitelj ribara suočava se s užasima i mračnim istinama na otoku kada zlokobna sila počne ubijati životinje i dovede u opasnost njihove živote.
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theaters Ono


To the rare individual not frightened of clowns: Your life is about to change. Not so tough now, are you?
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theaters Podvojen


Čovjek s višestrukim identitetima otme tri tinejdžerice koje moraju pronaći način da pobjegnu prije nego što kontrolu preuzme njegova najnovija, najopasnija osobnost.
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theaters Prizivanja

The Conjuring

Jedna obitelj prepuštena je na milost i nemilost zle prisutnosti, a pomoći im mogu samo istraživači paranormalnog.
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theaters Rattlesnake

Her daughter is dying. A stranger offers a lifeline. But it comes at a terrible price -- and time is running out.
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