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Čupave koale sjajni su prijatelji! Kad im zatreba pomoć, ljubiteljica životinja Izzy uvijek je tu!
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Čupave koale sjajni su prijatelji! Kad im zatreba pomoć, ljubiteljica životinja Izzy uvijek je tu!
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A good musical is downright magical. But behind the scenes, it's even better -- especially when you work as a team.
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A frantic chase through the pyramids one moment, an exciting Viking cruise the next. The world is an endless adventure!
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Join Justin and his pals as astronauts on the moon, knights of the Round Table, explorers in a rain forest and more!
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Sing along with Baby John and his family to classic nursery rhymes and catchy new songs that help preschoolers learn all about the world.
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Pridruži se zabavi u čarobnom Glazbenom vrtiću, gdje je svaki dan nova pustolovina puna pjesmi prilagođenih djeci... i zanimljivih prilika za učenje!
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Every day's an adventure when you come and play with Llama! He's a curious kid with a caring heart -- and lots to learn.
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She's a funny, curious and fantasy-loving thrill seeker on a quest to explore the big, big world.
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Meekah and her best friend Blippi have exciting and educational adventures together as they explore the wonders of science and nature.
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Uči, igraj se, pjevaj i rasti s gđicom Rachel u zabavnim interaktivnim lekcijama koje će te podučiti slovima, brojevima, bojama, oblicima i mnogočemu drugomu!
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Znatiželjni mali Algo čitav je život živio kao narval... ali odjednom otkrije da je zapravo jednorog. Sad ima dva svijeta koja može istraživati!
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How far would you go to help a friend get home? For the Octonauts, an underwater quest full of deep caves and tall tales is just the start!
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To hungry starfish, the coral reef is a tasty treat. Enter the Octonauts with a new snack — and some catchy songs — to save it!
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With the ocean erupting all at once, the Octonauts will need teamwork, courage — and a new mega vehicle — to save the sea!
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The Octonauts expand their exploration beyond the sea — and onto land! With new rides and new friends, they'll protect any habitats and animals at risk.
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Imaš pitanje? StoryBotovi imaju odgovor! Znatiželjni prijatelji Beep, Boop, Bing, Bang i Bo čekaju te u zabavnim pustolovinama u potrazi za činjenicama.
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Znatiželjna klinka Ridley i njezini prijatelji čuvaju prirodoslovni muzej i njegovu čarobnu tajnu: to da po noći sve u njemu oživi!
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Keep an eye out for danger — the Robocar Poli rescue team is here to protect you and your community from harm at all times!
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Kids can read along with illustrated books that come to life through animation, music and narration. Exciting adventures, fuzzy animal friends and more!
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The StoryBots love to sing and dance. And they'll show you how to have fun while you're learning lots of new things.
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