Filmovi snimljeni prema knjigama: 851 naslov


theaters Male žene

Little Women

Determined to make her own way in the 1860s, a writer looks back at the tough yet tender times spent with her three spirited sisters and a close chum.
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theaters Malevil

Skupina ljudi nehotice preživi apokaliptičan događaj, a kad izađe u pepelom prekriven krajolik, suoči se s nasilnim, izoliranim novim životom.
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theaters Malo vremena za ljubav

Drawing Closer

Sedamnaestogodišnji Akito, kojemu je preostala samo godina života, pronađe novi smisao u tome da razveseljava smrtno bolesnu djevojku kojoj je ostalo samo šest mjeseci.
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theaters Maloumni ubojica

The Simple Minded Murderer

Dobrodušan zemljoradnik kojega okrutni šef stalno maltretira zbog poteškoća u govoru pronađe ljubav i prihvaćanje kada ga primi siromašna obitelj.
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theaters Mandy

Obrazovanje i iskustva gluhe djevojke postanu predmet prijepora u njezinoj obitelji nakon što se upiše u specijalnu školu za gluhu djecu.
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theaters Manhunt

For an attorney stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time, the law is the last thing he can count on for his own defense.
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theaters Manon 70

Nagrađivana francuska glumica Catherine Deneuve naprosto blista na ekranu u dvjema zanimljivim dramama.
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theaters Mariposa

Her heart flutters for him, but his love is as elusive as a butterfly. Will she finally snare him in her net?
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theaters Martha

Nakon očeve smrti Martha ostane sama s okrutnom majkom. Odluči da je manje zlo udati se za udvarača Helmuta Buta, no ta bi joj veza mogla još više nauditi...
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theaters Mary i čarobni cvijet

Mary and The Witch's Flower

Ubravši čarobni cvijet, obična djevojka Mary odjednom se nađe u čarobnoj školi. Međutim, jedna mala laž otkrije opasnu istinu.
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theaters Matilda: Mjuzikl

Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical

Neobična djevojčica oštra uma i bujne mašte odvažno naumi promijeniti svoju priču... a rezultati su čudesni. Upoznajte Matildu.
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theaters Mawlana: The Preacher

In Egypt, an unorthodox TV preacher with a large following finds himself in a web of political discord that tests his credibility and convictions.
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theaters Max et Jérémie

Max and Jeremy

U želji da se dokaže, plaćeni ubojica koji je tek početnik prihvati zadatak eliminacije umirovljenog kolege... koji mu ubrzo priraste srcu.
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theaters Max i lopovi

Max et les ferrailleurs

Uhvatit će zlikovce na djelu i poslati ih u zatvor. Čak i ako im sam mora dati ideju za pljačku.
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theaters Meg 2: The Trench

In the ocean's darkest depths, researchers fight for survival against massive prehistoric sea creatures and an equally predatory mining operation.
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theaters Memoirs of a Geisha

Sold to a geisha house as a child, a fisherman’s daughter becomes the most sought-after geisha in Kyoto, but rivalries threaten the destiny she desires.
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theaters Merry Christmas (Hindi)

A Christmas Eve encounter between two enigmatic strangers sparks a poignant connection — but a dark turn of events threatens to expose their murky pasts.
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theaters Merry Christmas (Tamil)

A Christmas Eve encounter between two enigmatic strangers sparks a poignant connection — but a dark turn of events threatens to expose their murky pasts.
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