ondemand_video All Hail King Julien: Exiled
He's lost the crown, but he's still got the royal feet! And he'll march back in to save his kingdom, whatever it takes.
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He's lost the crown, but he's still got the royal feet! And he'll march back in to save his kingdom, whatever it takes.
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He may have a bushy tail and an appetite for acorns, but this little guy has plenty of heart, too.
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Arlo je kao i svi drugi: voli prijatelje, nedostaje mu obitelj i živi za pustolovinu. Nema veze što je napola aligator.
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Timeless tunes made famous by the Beatles inspire bug-sized stories with big lessons for little ones.
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A talent show. A televised singing contest. And a new friend waiting in the wings. With teamwork, they've already won!
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On je pametni pas lutalica koji otvara vrata... i srca. Nema boljeg četveronožnog prijatelja na svijetu.
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This little pup’s got a big secret: The tiny stuffed mouse in her pocket is real! And she’s there whenever she needs her.
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He's an eyepatch-wearing super-spy with a talent for saving the world. He's also, technically, a rodent.
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Mlada djevojka krene na obiteljsko krstarenje brodom kojemu je to prva plovidba i doživi bizarne događaje koji bi mogli biti povezani sa starom fotografijom.
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She was hoping for a quiet summer vacation in the country. Instead, she found friends, thieves and a horse in need.
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It's the holiday season, and they're having a ball -- literally! On the playlist: drama, glamour and a bit of romance.
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A legendary heroine. A lost relic. A horseback hunt. On Gal-entine's Day, it's all about the girls -- and adventure!
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Koliko velikih iznenađenja stane u sićušnu kućicu? Pridruži se Gabby i macama dok se igraju, pjevaju i stvaraju!
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Every day in the pup-filled town of Pawston, these furry friends are on the go — and they love exploring their world!
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He’s a big lovable bear. They’re a bunch of untamed lemmings. Their fun-loving rivalry makes for great adventures.
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Čupave koale sjajni su prijatelji! Kad im zatreba pomoć, ljubiteljica životinja Izzy uvijek je tu!
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A smart sheep has better things to do than stand around and eat grass. There's fun to be had on this goofy farm!
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Every day's an adventure when you come and play with Llama! He's a curious kid with a caring heart -- and lots to learn.
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Kad hrabra djevojčica dozna da vukovima prijete lovci, poduzet će sve što je u njezinoj moći da ih zaštiti.
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Nakon što brod kojim su plovili potone, lav, zebra, žirafa i vodenkonj iz zoološkog vrta ostanu na Madagaskaru, otoku punom svakojakih čudaka.
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