theaters A Christmas Special: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Best friends, unaware they're both superheroes. Or that one's in love with the other. Crime fighting can be complicated.
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Best friends, unaware they're both superheroes. Or that one's in love with the other. Crime fighting can be complicated.
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Sisterly showdowns. Gratitude lessons. Church pageants. There's no place like the McKellans' home for the holidays.
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Adult-sized dilemmas. Kid-sourced solutions. Add celebrities, a live audience -- and a slide -- and hilarity ensues.
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Alexa is battling cancer. But with her best friend, Katie, by her side, she's also starting high school — and ready for whatever comes next.
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Crowds went wild for his beats, but his wife and kids aren't so easy to please. Welcome to fatherhood -- unplugged.
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He's lost the crown, but he's still got the royal feet! And he'll march back in to save his kingdom, whatever it takes.
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They might look ordinary on the outside. But inside, these stunning homes have some jaw-dropping secrets to reveal.
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A plucky orphan whose passions run deep finds an unlikely home with a spinster and her soft-spoken bachelor brother. Based on "Anne of Green Gables."
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Dječak poznat kao Avatar mora ovladati moćima četiriju elemenata kako bi spasio svijet koji ratuje... i porazio nemilosrdnog neprijatelja koji ga želi zaustaviti.
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Hilarity. Jitters. Hallucinations. Stay awake long enough and you'll lose your mind -- or worse, a million dollars.
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Keep an eye on the daily routines, quirky habits and cozy habitats of several baby animals at Cleveland Metroparks. Live event in English.
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Peek into the gorilla habitat at Cleveland Metroparks, where two new babies are adapting to life in the troop. (Live event in English.)
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Utrkujući se protiv vremena, slavni natjecatelji očajnički pokušavaju nadmudriti lovce u crnom kako bi osvojili veliku novčanu nagradu.
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Zna što su pravi božićni ukrasi. Zna što je veselo. I zna kako zaviti svaki dom u prekrasnu blagdansku atmosferu.
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Boca Juniors is more than a soccer team – it's a way of life. And second place isn't an option for this passionate club.
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Fun facts. Life hacks. Games and hilarious experiments. Add a super-smart host, and it's science like you've never seen before.
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U ovoj dokumentarnoj seriji upoznajte surfersku kulturu na Barbadosu s majstorom longboardinga Samom Bleakleyjem. Lokalne legende dijele s nama svoju strast prema moru.
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U ovoj dokumentarnoj seriji surfer Sam Bleakley istražuje živahnu kulturu na Hainanu, tamošnja ukusna jela i drevnu poveznicu tog područja sa sportom.
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U ovoj dokumentarnoj seriji doživi Jamajku sa surferom Samom Bleakleyem dok istražuje valove na Boston Beachu i lokalni dancehall zvuk.
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U ovom teen trileru tri navijačice iz prestižne privatne škole obnove klub za borbu protiv vršnjačkog nasilja te zajedničkim snagama krenu u borbu protiv nepravde.
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