Znanstvena fantastika i fantasy: 140 naslova


theaters Legija


Usred ničega, u oronuloj zalogajnici, anđeoske sile dobra borit će se protiv demonskih zvijeri zla.
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theaters Love O2O

They're polar opposites on campus but a perfect match in an online game. Can virtual chemistry translate to real love?
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theaters Lucid Dream

The police failed him. So he's taking the matter into his own hands -- by going inside his own brain.
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theaters Ludo

Four people are trapped into playing an ancient game of leather, glass and bone. Survival is the winner's only prize.
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theaters Ljubav i čudovišta

Love and Monsters

On živi u bunkeru i nedostaje mu bivša djevojka. Na putu do prave ljubavi ispriječi mu se apokalipsa s čudovištima.
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theaters Ljudi u crnom

Men in Black

Neobični dvojac vladinih agenata bore se s izvanzemaljcem koji pokušava pokrenuti rat između planeta. Slijedi kaos.
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theaters Maska

The Mask

Mask on, he's got crazy superpowers; mask off, he's a timid clerk. Crooks would love it. You can take that to the bank.
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theaters Matrix

The Matrix

It was a simple life. Then he woke up. Now this hacker-turned-savior is about to blow the dream sky high.
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theaters Mirage

A video camera. A murder. And a butterfly effect that could save a child's life ... but destroy her family.
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theaters Monster Run

Jimo, an outcast who can see monsters, teams up with a monster hunter to fight evil forces and soon discovers her greater calling.
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theaters Mumija

The Mummy

Vojnik u lovu na blago probudi drevnu egipatsku princezu koja je stoljećima čekala da se osveti svijetu koji joj je nanio nepravdu.
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theaters Mute

A man without words dives into a world without rules. He's not coming up for air until he finds her.
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theaters Nezha: Povratak boga

New Gods: Nezha Reborn

Zadovoljan je svojim normalnim životom. No kad se ponovo pojave drevni rivali mora probuditi moćnog junaka u sebi.
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theaters NiNoKuni

Two worlds tied. Two lives in peril. One destiny connected by the deep bonds of magic and friendship.
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theaters Nova generacija

Next Gen

Njezin novi najbolji prijatelj borbeni je robot. Zajedno će poravnati račune, zabaviti se, a možda i spasiti svijet.
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theaters Obitelj Addams

The Addams Family

Obitelj Addams, Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday i Pugsley, u svoj jezivi, šašavi, ali topli dom prime svoga davno izgubljenog strica Festera.
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theaters Oblačno s ćuftama

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Srednjoškolski štreber napokon je privukao pozornost svijeta. Šteta što bi ga njegov izum mogao uništiti!
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theaters Oh! Baby

A click of a camera put her back in her prime. Time to dust off old dreams and live the youth she never had.
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