Znanstvena fantastika i fantasy: 142 naslova


theaters Oh! Baby

A click of a camera put her back in her prime. Time to dust off old dreams and live the youth she never had.
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theaters Orbiter 9

A planet she never thought she'd see. A betrayal she never expected. A love she never anticipated.
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theaters Paul

Dvojica zaljubljenika u SF odluče otkriti što se nalazi u srcu zloglasne Zone 51 i nabasaju na izvanzemaljca u bijegu.
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theaters PK

After the successful 3 Idiots, Aamir Khan reteams with Rajkumar Hirani to play an alcoholic social crusader in a political satire on the state of corruption in India.
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theaters Ponoćno nebo

The Midnight Sky

Žude za povratkom domu, ali on više nije onakav kakvim ga pamte. Boležljivi astronom na Zemlji njihova je jedina nada.
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theaters Posljednji Airbender

The Last Airbender

Četiri zaraćena naroda. Neodlučni mladi junak usred sukoba. Kada se otkrije njegova sudbina, elementi se bude.
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theaters Priča o princezi Kaguyi

The Tale of The Princess Kaguya

Čarobna nimfa ubrana s bambusove stabljike ubrzo izraste u prekrasnu ženu i ne može se obraniti od vojske opčinjenih udvarača.
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theaters Princeza Mononoke

Princess Mononoke

Princ pod smrtonosnom kletvom krene u potragu za lijekom i nađe se usred borbe između rudarskog gradića i šumskih životinja.
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theaters Pročišćenje: Anarhija

The Purge: Anarchy

U distopijskoj Americi budućnosti petero ljudi pokušava preživjeti noć kaosa kad je moguće nekažnjeno počiniti bilo koje kazneno djelo.
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theaters Project Power

Maybe you'll become bulletproof. Maybe you'll turn invisible. Maybe you'll explode. Whatever happens, this pill will change everything.
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theaters Psychokinesis

Neckties dance at his fingertips. Bullies fly away at a wave of his hand. But his daughter's heart is beyond his superhuman reach.
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theaters Putnici


Sometimes the best way to cope with loneliness in space is to find someone to share it with.
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theaters Rim of the World

No adults. No electronics. No turning back. These teens hold the key to Earth's survival against an alien invasion. Try not to freak out.
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theaters S druge strane ograde

Outside the Wire

Jedan je pilot letjelice, a drugi je pripadnik tajne nove klase vojnika. Stara pravila ne vrijede ondje kamo su pošli.
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theaters Saving Sally

In this artist’s mind, monsters are everywhere. But telling his best friend he loves her is what really terrifies him.
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theaters See You Yesterday

They're geniuses on the brink of solving time travel. But when tragedy strikes, they'll only have so many chances to outwit fate.
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