Drame o socijalnim problemima: 418 naslova


theaters Mallesham

He wanted to create a new way to preserve a traditional art form. But first, he had to reinvent himself.
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theaters Maloumni ubojica

The Simple Minded Murderer

Dobrodušan zemljoradnik kojega okrutni šef stalno maltretira zbog poteškoća u govoru pronađe ljubav i prihvaćanje kada ga primi siromašna obitelj.
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theaters Mandela

Amid a local election with two rivals vying to win by any means necessary, a barber lands in a curiously powerful position as the single deciding vote.
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theaters Mank


Upoznaj Hollywood 1930-ih kroz oči duhovitog scenarista i alkoholičara Hermana J. Mankiewicza, koji pokušava dovršiti scenarij za „Građanina Kanea”.
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theaters Maradona's Legs

During the 1990 World Cup, two young Palestinian football fans set out to find the last missing piece of their sticker album and win an Atari.
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theaters Mars at Sunrise

Through poems and paintings, a Palestinian artist shares his tale of arrest and torture by an Israeli soldier with a young Jewish American poet.
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theaters Mat Kilau

Nakon što britanske snage napadnu Pahang, legendarni ratnik povede svoje ljude u gerilski rat kako bi zaštitio svoj dom od kolonizatora.
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theaters Mehandi Circus

In the early 1990s, the love between a cassette shop owner and a traveling circus performer challenges caste barriers and disapproving parents.
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theaters Mickybo i ja

Mickybo And Me

Dvojica dječaka sa suprotnih strana podijeljenog grada postanu prijatelji i pokušaju pobjeći baš kao njihovi filmski idoli, Butch Cassidy i Sundance Kid.
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theaters Mira

Mira se iz Pariza vrati u staromodni Waterhoek, čiji konzervativni žitelji ustanu protiv planova za modernizaciju sela.
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theaters Mischief

Mistaking the sleeping passenger on his train for a drunk, a young man posts a picture of him online, unaware of his impulsive act's ugly repercussions.
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theaters Miss India

She’s got purpose and persistence. In a world designed for her dreams to fail, she believes in her recipe for success.
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theaters Moj muškarac

My Man

Prostitutka se smiluje nad beskućnikom i pozove ga u svoj privatni i profesionalni život... no ljubav i požuda mogle bi im uništiti živote.
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theaters Moj sin, fanatik

My Son the Fanatic

Pakistanski imigrant Parvez osjeća se otuđeno od obitelji kad mu se brak počne raspadati, a njegov sin postane islamski fundamentalist.
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theaters Moon Hotel Kabul

On zna senzacionalizirati istinu riječima, ali iz izvještaja o njezinoj smrti morat će izbaciti svu fikciju.
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theaters Moxie

Patrijarhat je koma. Buntovne su djevojke kul. Ona zauzima stav, pronalazi svoj glas i pokreće revoluciju u školi.
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theaters Muallim

After completing his studies in France, young Ali gets exiled to an Anatolian town, where he becomes a teacher and begins to question his own beliefs.
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theaters Mudbound

One family owns the land. The other has worked it for generations. Both are bound to the pain of the past.
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