Sportski filmovi: 267 naslova


theaters Encordades

Uz pomoć osobnih svjedočanstava i arhivskih snimaka ovaj dokumentarac vodi nas na putovanje kroz povijest ženskog bavljenja planinarenjem i penjanjem u Španjolskoj.
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theaters Escape The Undertaker

Mogu li New Day preživjeti iznenađenja koja im je Undertaker pripremio u svojoj jezivoj vili? U ovom interaktivnom WWE specijalu ti odlučuješ o njihovoj sudbini.
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theaters Film o nogometu

The Soccer Football Movie

Četvero klinaca, žestokih obožavatelja nogometa, udruži se kako bi svojim idolima pomoglo vratiti sposobnosti nakon što im lukavi zli znanstvenik ukrade talent.
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theaters First Match

She's tough in more ways than one. And what she'll face on the mat is nothing compared to life outside the gym.
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theaters Fischer Freeskiing

Skijaši koji se bave slobodnim stilom iz čitavog svijeta kreću na planine, gdje osvajaju goleme klifove, duboki snijeg i savršeno uređene terenske parkove.
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theaters Gatta Kusthi

When wrestling champ Keerthi enters an arranged marriage with a chauvinistic Veera, she scrambles to be a traditional wife while hiding her true self.
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theaters Gatta Kusthi (Telugu)

When wrestling champ Keerthi enters an arranged marriage with a chauvinistic Veera, she scrambles to be a traditional wife while hiding her true self.
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theaters Girls With Balls

They’re badasses, not babes in the woods. But it’ll take girl-powered teamwork to get them out of this rustic hellscape.
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theaters Going for Gold

After moving to Australia, an American teen convinces her new friends to form a cheer squad and take on their biggest rivals in competition.
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theaters Hangout

U ovom dokumentarcu talentirani natjecatelji u slobodnom skijanju odlaze na strme padine i opasni teren kako bi pokazali svoje nevjerojatne skokove i trikove.
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theaters Harley & Katya

From its promising beginning to a devastating end, follow the career of Australian figure skating pair Harley Windsor and Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya.
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theaters Hector

Žena preuzme svojeg odraslog nećaka iz sirotišta u kojem je bio ostavljen kao dijete. On se teško prilagođava novom životu, a usput se i zaljubi u nju.
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theaters Hellegat

Dok moderni svijet prijeti opstanku jedne od posljednjih ciglana u Hellegatu, mladog radnika Sama i 65-godišnjeg Louisa povežu posao, nogomet i ljubav prema golubovima.
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theaters High Flying Bird

A lockout leaves a rookie baller and his agent scrambling for money and answers. But what if they don't need the league at all?
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theaters Higuita: El camino del Escorpión

Higuita: The Way of the Scorpion

Od skromnih početaka do legende nogometa, ovaj dokumentarac prati uspon Kolumbijca Renéa Higuite, od njegove legendarne karijere do života punog kontroverzi.
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