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Odvjetnici koja mrzi gubiti od muškaraca i slavnom glumcu koji ne vjeruje ženama ljubav ne znači ništa... sve dok ne budu primorani postati par.
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Savjesnoj prognostičarki i njezinu slobodoumnom kolegi u državnoj hidrometeorološkoj službi ljubav je podjednako teško prognozirati kao kišu ili sunčano vrijeme.
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A clever boy and his magical dog travel through a strange land. But vampires and tricksters won't leave them alone!
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Bob Odenkirk and David Cross harness the powers of time, space and the digital age to spread the joy of sketch comedy.
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Can new lovers save their marriage? This long-married couple takes a leap down a forbidden path.
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Feeling down on her luck after everything goes wrong, a woman moves to scenic Jeju-do island, where she meets a carefree chef without much ambition.
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He's a self-described insider on all things LA. Time to explore the city as he knows it — that's what's up!
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Laughter, creativity, caring and sharing: These cuties are learning what friendship is all about. They're Lalaloopsy!
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Pametna, sarkastična i malkice mrtva iznutra, Wednesday Addams istražuje niz ubojstava dok upoznaje prijatelje, ali i neprijatelje, na Akademiji Nikadviše.
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Pursuing her dream was the only thing she knew -- but she may find there’s more to life than training and competing.
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Sometimes you're born into a family. Sometimes you make your own... while keeping your father's body in a freezer.
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With big dreams of financing their own film project, three struggling young men join forces in a guesthouse venture that is anything but profitable.
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Actor Lee Jun-ki ropes two longtime friends into investing in the Seoul guesthouse he runs on the side, where their old crush from school comes to stay.
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Kada je zdravstvena kriza prisili da prestane partijati, uspješna gastronomska autorica krene na putovanje ozdravljenja... pa makar je to ubilo.
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Sex. Booze. Rock-n-roll. Assassins. Feathered hair. Welcome to summer at Camp Firewood.
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They ruled the summer of '81. Now they're back to relive their glory days -- and save their camp.
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They're always looking for an advantage, and no con is too outrageous. Welcome to the ruthless world of window sales.
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Down on his luck and in need of a kitchen, a star chef turns to reforming a shoddy Chinese restaurant staffed by former gangsters.
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In 1970s Melbourne, a DJ named Boori Monty Pryor and his brother Paul navigate racial tensions and police encounters amid disco and discrimination.
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Kitty, tinejdžerica koja voli spajati ljude, ponovo se susretne s dečkom s kojim je bila u vezi na daljinu u istom internetu koji je pohađala njezina pokojna majka.
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