Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 5658 naslova


theaters Material

He’s expected to take over the family’s fabric store. But he wants to make comedy his business. Can he stitch together a solution?
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theaters Matilda: Mjuzikl

Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical

Neobična djevojčica oštra uma i bujne mašte odvažno naumi promijeniti svoju priču... a rezultati su čudesni. Upoznajte Matildu.
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theaters Matrix

The Matrix

It was a simple life. Then he woke up. Now this hacker-turned-savior is about to blow the dream sky high.
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theaters Matt Rife: Prirodna selekcija

Matt Rife: Natural Selection

Komičar Matt Rife u ovom urnebesnom stand-up specijalu ne skriva ništa, od problema s kristalima za zaštitu do trolova na društvenim mrežama.
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theaters Maturalni ples

The Prom

Otkazali su maturalnu zabavu da spriječe njezin dolazak. No ples dobiva preobrazbu u brodvejskom stilu i svi su pozvani.
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theaters Maturantica

Senior Year

Zbog navijačke točke završila je u 20-godišnjoj komi. Tridesetsedmogodišnja Stephanie sada je budna i želi ostvariti svoj srednjoškolski san: postati kraljica mature.
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theaters Mauli

An unconventional police officer faces off against a gang of thugs as he tries to bring order to the far-flung village he’s been stationed in.
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theaters Mawlana: The Preacher

In Egypt, an unorthodox TV preacher with a large following finds himself in a web of political discord that tests his credibility and convictions.
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theaters Max

Kada se udruži s tajanstvenom plesačicom na natjecanju u tangu, nesretni prodavač trofeja mora se naučiti prepustiti svojoj zavodničkoj strani.
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theaters Maybe Baby

When two pregnant women learn that the fertility clinic mistakenly swapped their eggs, they must navigate the error — and their disdain for each other.
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theaters Maze Runner: Death Cure

In the final film of this franchise, Thomas and his Glader warriors mount an assault on WCKD to save their friends and find a cure to the Flare pandemic.
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theaters Me Want You

Despite their conflicting schedules, a night owl rock band manager and a morning radio host fall in love through their shared passion for music.
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theaters Mea Culpa

Raw and outspoken, comedian Alexis de Anda bares her soul about weddings, exercise, sex, gynecologists, drugs and much more in this stand-up special.
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theaters Mea Culpa

Kaznena braniteljica preuzme slučaj umjetnika optuženog za ubojstvo, što je dovede do toga da mora birati među obitelji, dužnosti i vlastitih opasnih žudnji.
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theaters Medeni mjesec s majkom

Honeymoon with My Mother

Nakon što Joséa Luisa zaručnica ostavi pred oltarom, s njim na nesuđeni medeni mjesec otputuje njegova majka Mari Carmen. Što bi moglo poći po zlu?
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theaters Medvjed


Što sprječava cirkus da bude uspješan? Jedan voljeni medvjed. No zabavljači ga ne namjeravaju pustiti tako lako.
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theaters Medvjeđi otok

Bear Island

Na zabačenom otoku u Barentsovu moru trojica braće surfaju, snowboardaju i voze parajedrilicu u ekstremnim arktičkim temperaturama.
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theaters Meenakshi Sundareshwar

Tek vjenčani par prisiljen je živjeti odvojeno zbog jedinstvene prilike za posao. Brak na daljinu donosi niz problema i posrtanja... ali i smiješnih situacija.
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theaters MeesterSpion

Master Spy

Bježeći od nasilnika u gradiću u koji se preselio, desetogodišnji Tim probudi smrznutog špijuna iz 1970-ih i pomogne mu završiti nedovršena posla.
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theaters Meeting Point

Istanbul. Night. Two strangers cross paths, connecting in their shared solitude, confiding in each another and searching for themselves.
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