Akcijski trileri: 96 naslova


theaters Project Power

Maybe you'll become bulletproof. Maybe you'll turn invisible. Maybe you'll explode. Whatever happens, this pill will change everything.
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theaters Punisher

The Punisher

A G-man's family killed at the hands of the mob. When all that's left is revenge, it's time for a war on crime.
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theaters Put na vrh

Sky High

Kad su u pitanju pljačke, samo je nebo granica. No cijena bi mogla biti prava ljubav.
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theaters Saaho

A stolen fortune. A nationwide manhunt. Everyone's searching for this treasure. But one man has an agenda of his own.
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theaters Sentinel: Agent u bijegu

The Sentinel

Kada mu smjeste, komprimitirani agent Tajne službe mora se boriti protiv vremena kako bi dokazao da je nevin i spriječio atentat na osobu na visokom položaju.
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theaters Sentinelle

Nakon vojničke obuke i borbe ponovo je kod kuće. Sprema se za rat protiv čovjeka koji je naudio njezinoj sestri.
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theaters Shaft

Like father, like son? Like hell. It's time for this street-smart dad to show his book-smart namesake how to be one bad mother...
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theaters Sicario

Agentica FBI-ja sudjeluje u tajnoj operaciji čija je meta meksički kralj droge. Nakon prelaska granice mora se nositi s etičkim dvojbama.
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theaters Sleepless

He’s supposedly a good cop who's never had trouble being the bad guy -- until his son's life is on the line.
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theaters Sluge rata

Servants of War

Pomno čuvana vojna tajna, nerazjašnjena ubojstva i policijski duo koji ne preže ni od čega kako bi spriječio katastrofu.
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theaters Spectral

We can't see them. Bullets don't stop them. The Army is no match for them. Time to try something totally different.
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theaters Spenser Confidential

All he wants to do is leave town and start over. But first, he needs to deal with his ex, his new roomie and the enemies who want him dead.
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theaters Spyder

He taps phone calls to keep others safe. This time, he’s dialed into more danger than he could imagine.
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theaters Stara garda

The Old Guard

Drevni ratnici žive u sjeni i bore se za pravdu. No besmrtnost može dojaditi... A ništa ne traje vječno.
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theaters Suze boga sunca

Tears of the Sun

Navy SEALS on a mission to rescue a doctor from a deadly conflict in Nigeria. Who will save her patients?
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theaters The Beast Stalker

Feeling guilty after a high-speed chase leaves a girl dead, a determined sergeant pursues the crime boss who triggered the fatal car accident.
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theaters The Decline

They’re off the grid — and thought they were prepared for anything. But danger lurks much closer than they know.
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