theaters ‘Ohana: Najdragocjenije blago
Tajanstveni dnevnik. Čudesna špilja. Neprocjenjivo blago. Ovoj obitelji pustolovine i duh alohe idu ruku pod ruku.
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Tajanstveni dnevnik. Čudesna špilja. Neprocjenjivo blago. Ovoj obitelji pustolovine i duh alohe idu ruku pod ruku.
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Otac radoholičar koji se želi ponovo zbližiti s djecom ode na važan poslovni sastanak u obalni grad Durban... pod izlikom da se radi o obiteljskom odmoru.
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Dvanaestogodišnje blizanke preotmu dječji film kako bi ispričale svoju priču u kojoj se bore protiv nasilnika, odlaze na loše spojeve te smišljaju psine vlastitom tati.
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Preselivši se iz New Yorka u Indianu nakon razvoda roditelja, lukavi osnovnoškolac odluči prirediti najbolju bar micvu u povijesti.
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Royalty. Romance. And a really handsome prince. He's her most important assignment to date.
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First, she met a prince. Then she married him. Next up? Motherhood -- and a mystery. No one does Christmas like the Aldovians.
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Last year, she found her prince. This year, she's marrying a king. But what if she's not cut out to be queen?
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With Christmas only a couple of days away, Cory makes it his mission to remind a white-bearded visitor who he really is!
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A creepy corn maze, a monster truck and a haunted house can’t stop Cory and his crew from getting their Halloween candy!
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From bonfires and fireflies to exploring secret caves, summer at Camp Friendship is so much fun — and Cory can't wait!
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Jedanaestogodišnjak pokušava razbiti višestoljetno prokletstvo zbog kojega su svi stanovnici i posjetitelji otočića na kojemu živi apsolutno nepodnošljivo društvo.
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Santa wants to skip Christmas and drown his sorrows in milk and cookies. It's up to the StoryBots to save the day!
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Join the StoryBots and the space travelers of the historic Inspiration4 mission as they search for answers to kids' questions about space.
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Without a sleigh, there’s no way Santa can deliver all his presents — unless Hank, Trash Truck and friends save the day!
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They call her Muge, meaning "infinitely mysterious." They had no idea how mysterious she turned out to be.
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He's found the ultimate loyal companion — who's also a state-of-the-art weapon. Now powerful forces are after them both.
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Two young boys must work together to stop robbers from breaking in after their family accidentally leaves them home alone during the COVID-19 lockdown.
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Želeći pronaći nestalog oca, neizgled obična djevojčica prihvati poziv da se upiše u čarobnu školu koju vodi ekscentričan učitelj gospodin Kleks.
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Dječji umjetnički centar u višekulturnoj četvrti Seville stvara prilike i potiče truštvene promjene s pomoću snage flamenca.
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A big-hearted girl. A baby in a manger. And a special Christmas her family will never forget.
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