theaters Spašavanje Bikini doline: Lunin film
Kad Bikini Dolina završi izvan oceana, vjeverica znanstvenica Luna i njezin prijatelj Spužva Bob Skockani zapute se u Teksas kako bi spasili svoj grad.
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Kad Bikini Dolina završi izvan oceana, vjeverica znanstvenica Luna i njezin prijatelj Spužva Bob Skockani zapute se u Teksas kako bi spasili svoj grad.
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Razor-sharp focus. Relentless studying. Sheer talent. Spelling is their superpower — and this is their story.
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Teen Miles Morales teams up with Gwen Stacy on a new adventure, facing sinister foe The Spot and a vast legion of parallel heroes in the Multiverse.
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Shopping in the city. A celebrity sighting. And gifts from heart. Ride headfirst into the holidays with Lucky and friends!
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Strogi inženjer drži obitelj na kratkoj uzici dok mu se supruga snalazi s malo novca, no četvero djece u obitelji suprotstavljaju se njihovom autoritetu.
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King Neptune's crown is missing, and Mr. Krabs's head is on the chopping block ... literally. Oh, barnacles!
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The Krabby Patty secret formula has been swiped! There's only one place SpongeBob can go to get it back: the real world.
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Veza između ove spužve i ovog puža seže daleko u prošlost. Nitko ih ne može razdvojiti, pa čak ni kralj mora!
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Kada programer videoigara oslobodi moćan računalni virus, djeca dvoje tajnih agenata moraju zajednički spasiti svoje roditelje... i čitav svijet.
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Zašto jastreb, jelen i divlji vepar imaju točke i pruge dok su mladi? Pogledaj iz prve ruke kako životinje koriste šare na tijelu kako bi preživjele.
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When a big, scary monster tries to spoil the spooky season, Strawberry Shortcake and her Berry Besties must face their fears to solve the mystery.
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With holiday chores piling up and a cookie-stealing villain on the loose, Strawberry and her Berry Buddies must work together to save Winter Swirl.
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Strawberry Shortcake dreams of winning best float in Big Apple City's Flower Contest, but a jealous internet star and a monstrous plant stand in her way.
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Strawberry Shortcake and her big-city besties spend summer vacation hunting for buried treasure to save her family's farm from a greedy businessperson.
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Planinarenje. Penjanje. Logorske vatre. Klinci koji samo žele uživati u izletu moraju pronaći odlutalog kampera.
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Čarolijom prebačeni iz Brooklyna u Kraljevstvo Gljiva, dvojica odvažnih vodoinstalatera udruže se s princezom u borbi protiv okrutne kornjače koja riga vatru.
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Deck the halls with holiday magic and get ready for a fun, festive time. It's a gift from the Super Monsters ... to you!
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The Super Monsters work together to make a nervous new student feel welcome. Because that's what monster friends do!
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A magical Monster Match means a lifetime of love, plus special superpowers to go along with it!
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Twinkly lights, starry nights. Santa Claus is coming to Pitchfork Pines -- and there's monster magic in the air!
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