Drame: 2424 naslova


theaters JOY - The Birth of IVF

Ova drama snimljena prema istinitoj priči prati troje britanskih znanstvenika pionira koji su se u 1960-ima i 1970-ima borili za razvoj izvantjelesne oplodnje.
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theaters Joy, jadna djevojka

Poor Cow

Tmurna studija ličnosti redatelja Kena Loacha prati emocionalnu evoluciju Joy, supruge i majke nezadovoljne suprugom Tomom, sitnim kriminalcem bez interesa za obitelj.
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theaters Juanita

Single mother. Underpaid caretaker. Hopeless romantic. She’s got a full plate -- but how far away is true fulfillment?
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theaters Julie

Grofova kći na Ivanje započne opasnu igru: odluči zavesti slugu koji je zaručen za njezinu sluškinju.
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theaters June & Kopi

One very smart stray dog. One very sanguine pet pit. Together they complete a young couple's family.
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theaters JUNG_E

U postapokaliptičnoj bliskoj budućnosti istraživačica u labosu za umjetnu inteligenciju pokuša okončati građanski rat kloniranjem mozga junačke vojnikinje... svoje majke.
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theaters Just In Time

A meticulous clerk for a bookstore that has just been shuttered suddenly finds herself taking care of her cousin's witty 11-year-old daughter.
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theaters Kaagar

When an activist begins aiding a shrewd political advisor — also his girlfriend’s father, personal agendas lead to betrayal as love and duty clash.
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theaters Kaaval

Years after falling out with his friend and co-castigator Antony, vigilante Thamban returns to his hometown to face lingering demons and make amends.
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theaters Kabir Singh

Unfiltered aggression. Reckless obsession. He loved her dangerously -- and losing her was his downfall.
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theaters Kad nas maleni napuste


Claes i Britt dožive najteži gubitak koji roditelji mogu doživjeti, smrt djeteta. Šest mjeseci poslije oboje nastoje krenuti dalje.
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theaters Kad sunce zađe

When the Sun Goes Down

U ovom spoju fikcije i biografije glazbenika Salvatorea Gambardella, kompozitoru se ukazuju prilike za karijeru i ljubav, dok mu prijatelj postaje slavan pjevač.
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theaters Kadaseela Biriyani

A studious teen who wants a simple life is conned by his violent older brothers into joining their grandiose plan to avenge their murdered father.
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theaters Kadhalikka Neramillai

A young woman desires a perfect life of love and children, but falling for a man who has no interest in marriage or a family makes her search difficult.
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theaters Kaka Boss

A ruthless debt collector decides that he wants to be a singer. But can he pull off a major career change — and impress his teen daughter?
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theaters Kako god okreneš

Look Both Ways

Na večer kada bi trebala diplomirati Natalie se život izmakne kontroli nakon što napravi test na trudnoću. Što će joj život i ljubav donijeti?
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theaters Kako sam postao gangster

How I Became a Gangster

Ambiciozan gangster uspinje se hijerarhijom zločinačkog podzemlja Varšave, ali ubrzo shvati da život na vrhu nije baš onakav kakvim ga je zamišljao.
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