Dramske serije: 1125 naslova


ondemand_video Agency

A self-made executive navigates the cutthroat world of advertising, stopping at nothing — no matter how calculating — to become the head of her agency.
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ondemand_video Ako me prevariš

Fool Me Once

Vidjevši svojeg ubijenog supruga na snimci tajne kamere za dadilju, bivša vojnikinja Maya otkrije smrtonosnu urotu koja se proteže duboko u prošlost.
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ondemand_video Al Hayba

In a village by the Lebanon-Syria border, the head of an arms-smuggling clan contends with family conflicts, power struggles and complicated love.
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ondemand_video Alba

Alba se probudi na plaži i primijeti tragove silovanja... no ne sjeća se prethodne noći. Zatim otkrije da su njezini silovatelji zapravo prijatelji njezina dečka.
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ondemand_video Alkemija duša

Alchemy of Souls

Moćna čarobnica u tijelu slijepe žene upozna muškarca iz ugledne obitelji koji želi da mu pomogne promijeniti svoju sudbinu.
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ondemand_video All About Love

Mysterious ghosts -- determined to reconnect with the living world -- begin to cross over and disrupt the lives of those they left behind.
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ondemand_video Alma

The Girl in the Mirror

Izgubivši pamćenje u bizarnoj nestreći u kojoj je poginula većina njezinih kolega iz razreda, Alma pokušava otkriti što se dogodilo tog dana... i vratiti svoj identitet.
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ondemand_video Always a Witch

In 1646, she was a slave. In the present, she's learning to harness her power. Dark magic has met its match in this time-traveling witch.
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ondemand_video Amazing Grace

After a shocking tragedy, Grace does what it takes to provide for her younger siblings while beginning a complicated romance with a pastor's son.
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ondemand_video AMO

Raids. Checkpoints. A full-on war against drug offenders. But their crimes pale in comparison to their jailers'.
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ondemand_video Analogna ekipa

Analog Squad

Saznavši da je njegov otuđeni otac bolestan, srednjovječni muškarac spletkaroš okupi lažnu obitelj kako bi se posljednji put sastao s njime.
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ondemand_video Anatomija jednog skandala

Anatomy of a Scandal

Sophien povlašteni život supruge moćnog političara Jamesa raspadne se nakon što se razotkriju skandalozne tajne, a njega optuže za šokantan zločin.
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ondemand_video Andropauza

Man on Pause

Pedesetogodišnji obiteljski čovjek koji ulazi u andropauzu postane opsjednut promjenama i odluči pronaći sreću. A onda katastrofalno zezne stvari.
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ondemand_video Anne with an E

A plucky orphan whose passions run deep finds an unlikely home with a spinster and her soft-spoken bachelor brother. Based on "Anne of Green Gables."
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