Filmovi za mlade: 172 naslova


theaters The Archies

Archie i ekipa u Indiji 1960-ih nose se s romansama i prijateljstvom dok pokušavaju spasiti budućnost Riverdalea jer poslovni ljudi pokušavaju uništiti voljeni park.
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theaters The Last Summer

They're done with high school. Adulthood's coming up. But for a season in between, nothing's certain -- and anything's possible.
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theaters The Maze Runner

In a postapocalyptic future, a group of teenage boys are trapped in a mysterious community where they must solve a giant maze in order to survive.
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theaters The Package

Their spring break trip went sideways fast. Now their friend's fate -- and his most prized asset -- rests in their hands.
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theaters The Perfect Date

Need a last-minute knight in shining armor? A plus-one Prince Charming? To make his dream come true, he'll be anyone -- except himself.
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theaters Ti i ja i ja

You & Me & Me

Dvije su blizanke nerazdvojne, sve dok im iznenada u život ne uđe šarmantni tinejdžer Mark.
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theaters Ti po svome

You Do You

Merve je odabrala bohemski život, no on nije odabrao nju. Suočena s deložacijom, prisiljena je naći posao, no pritom se nađe u nezgodnoj situaciji sa šefom.
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theaters Time Out

Raised in the privileged bubble of Delhi's elite, a teen is compelled to question his outlook on life and love when his older brother comes out as gay.
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theaters Tko je dobar dečko?

Who's a Good Boy?

Chema ima misiju: hodati s Claudijom, privlačnom novom curom u njegovoj školi, i izgubiti nevinost. Hoće li ispuniti taj san prije nego što maturira?
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theaters Too Handsome to Handle

Wary of the effects of his good looks on others, a shut-in agrees to attend high school for the first time and meets a girl who's immune to his charm.
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theaters Traperice i majica

Jeans And T-Shirt

Nino radi kao konobar na talijanskom otoku Capriju, gdje se zaljubi u mladu ženu s bogatim i njemu ne baš naklonjenim ocem.
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theaters Tvrdi momci

Hard Feelings

Dvoje najboljih prijatelja nastoji preživjeti srednju školu noseći se s neugodnim novim porivima i vrlo nezgodnim međusobnim osjećajima.
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theaters U vjetar

Into the Wind

Sunce, valovi i strast dočekaju privilegiranu tinejdžericu koja u ljetovalištu na obali iskusi prvu ljubav sa slobodoumnim instruktorom kitesurfinga.
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