Filmovi za mlade: 174 naslova


theaters Rim of the World

No adults. No electronics. No turning back. These teens hold the key to Earth's survival against an alien invasion. Try not to freak out.
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theaters River's Edge

A skeleton by the riverside becomes a treasure tying all of them together -- until another corpse unravels it all.
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theaters Royalteen

Nakon što započne neočekivanu romansu s prijestolonasljednikom, tinejdžerica pokušava sakriti svoju prošlost punu skandala i jednu veliku tajnu.
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theaters Royalteen: Princeza Margrethe

Royalteen: Princess Margrethe

Nakon skandala na maturalnoj večeri, noseći se s obiteljskim dramama, princeza Margrethe pokušava održati svoju savršenu fasadu i žudi za normalnošću.
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theaters S ljubavlju, Simon

Love, Simon

High schooler Simon isn’t ready to reveal that he’s gay. While trying to keep his secret, he searches for the identity of his anonymous online crush.
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theaters Saving Sally

In this artist’s mind, monsters are everywhere. But telling his best friend he loves her is what really terrifies him.
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theaters See You Yesterday

They're geniuses on the brink of solving time travel. But when tragedy strikes, they'll only have so many chances to outwit fate.
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theaters Sincerely Daisy

A happy high school graduate's dreams, romance — and confidence — are shaken when family and relationship drama put her plans for the future in doubt.
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theaters Sodium Day

Chaos breaks out at a Cape Flats high school as a ragtag group of seniors deal with substitute teachers, privileged visitors, armed gangsters and more.
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theaters Spremne za osvetu

Do Revenge

Svrgnuta kraljica otmjene srednje škole sklopi tajni dogovor sa skromnom novom učenicom kako bi se zajedno osvetile svojim neprijateljima.
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theaters Step Up

Odrađujući društveno koristan rad u prestižnoj školi, snalažljivi Tyler upozna balerinu i otkrije da je talentiran za ples.
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theaters Sumrak Saga: Mladi mjesec

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Shrvana Bella šokirana je Edwardovim odlaskom, pa utjehu potraži u prijateljstvu s Jacobom... koji ima vlastitu tajnu.
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theaters Suzume

After she unknowingly opens a door of chaos, 17-year-old Suzume joins forces with a young man to help prevent more calamity from befalling Japan.
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theaters Škola dobra i zla

The School for Good and Evil

Povezanost najboljih prijateljica Sophie i Agathe nađe se na kušnji kad završe u čarobnoj školi za buduće junake i zlikovce iz bajki.
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theaters Talentime

The stakes are high — on stage and off — when a group of talented young musicians face off for an inter-school talent competition.
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