Kriminalistički filmovi: 826 naslova


theaters Maharaja

When his prized possession gets stolen, a barber seeks help from the police, who jeer at his request — until they learn what they're really looking for.
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theaters Majka: Slijepa ljubav


Žestoka i poremećena ljubav majke. Dječak zarobljen u njezinu svijetu. Tragični zločin. Snimljeno prema istinitoj priči.
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theaters Majstori prevare

Lords of Scam

Ovaj dokumentarac prati uspon i pad prevaranata koji su zeznuli sustav kvota za ugljikov dioksid EU-a i namaknuli milijune prije nego što su se okrenuli jedni na druge.
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theaters Maktub

They cracked skulls and collected debts. Then they got a sign from God and decided to do good. Heaven help us all.
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theaters Malang

Broken hearts. Buried demons. In this tale of fated love and bitter revenge, everyone wants payback for their pain.
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theaters Mallari

A doctor scours his family's occult history for a way to prevent his fiancee's death, only to find secrets that link to a series of 19th-century murders.
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theaters Mamurluk 3

The Hangover: Part III

They're back in Sin City ... but this time, it's not all fun and games. They're men on a mission.
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theaters Man On The Run

U ovoj istinitoj priči o aferi 1MDB ambiciozan poslovni čovjek s pomoću pronevjerenog novca održava veze s filmskim zvijezdama i političarima.
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theaters Manhunt

For an attorney stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time, the law is the last thing he can count on for his own defense.
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theaters ManSuang

In a fight for their lives, two dancers infiltrate a high-profile social club and seek the help of a newfound ally to unmask traitors to Siam.
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theaters Maria

She changed her name and her life. But she can't escape the past that turned her into a killer.
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theaters Maria Soledad: Dosta je tišine

Breaking the Silence: The Maria Soledad Case

U Argentini 1990-ih ubojstvo srednjoškolke zapali iskru velikih prosvjeda. Kroz riječi njezinih bližnjih ovaj dokumentarac priča o njihovoj borbi za pravdu.
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theaters Marseille: Sjeverna četvrt

The Stronghold

Trojica policajaca iz Marseillesa, umorna od rada sa sitnim kriminalcima, imaju priliku razbiti veliki narko lanac. Nakon velike molbe ključne doušnice granice se brišu.
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theaters Maska

The Mask

Mask on, he's got crazy superpowers; mask off, he's a timid clerk. Crooks would love it. You can take that to the bank.
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theaters Maskirani prevarant

The Masked Scammer

Ovaj detaljni prikaz kroz razgovore i s pomagačima i sa žrtvama istražuje kako je vrhunski prevarant od francuske elite izvukao milijune eura.
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theaters Max et Jérémie

Max and Jeremy

U želji da se dokaže, plaćeni ubojica koji je tek početnik prihvati zadatak eliminacije umirovljenog kolege... koji mu ubrzo priraste srcu.
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theaters Max i lopovi

Max et les ferrailleurs

Uhvatit će zlikovce na djelu i poslati ih u zatvor. Čak i ako im sam mora dati ideju za pljačku.
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theaters Mea Culpa

Kaznena braniteljica preuzme slučaj umjetnika optuženog za ubojstvo, što je dovede do toga da mora birati među obitelji, dužnosti i vlastitih opasnih žudnji.
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