ondemand_video 【OSHI NO KO】
A small-town doctor gets sucked into the ruthless world of show business when he crosses paths with a popular teen idol who holds a secret.
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A small-town doctor gets sucked into the ruthless world of show business when he crosses paths with a popular teen idol who holds a secret.
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The world they knew is long gone. Their new environment is dangerous, but not as deadly as their fellow humans.
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A pediatrician stuck working in an elementary school, Makino annoys his colleagues with his bad attitude. But everyone values his brilliant diagnoses.
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Give yourself up and you'll be dissected. Fight back and you might cause genocide. And you don't even know what you are.
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Akuma Kun, mladić kojeg je odgojio demon, radi sa svojim polučovječjim partnerom Mefistom III. kao istražitelj paranormalnog na rješavanju brojnih ubojstava i misterija.
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U ovom opustošenom svijetu jedini je izlaz igrati njihovu smrtonosnu igru... Ili umrijeti.
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Nanase fell in love with Dr. Tendo five years ago. Now she's a nurse and ready to meet him again. But he's nothing like the nice guy she thought he was!
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Kad se 15-godišnji Rihito zaljubi, drevni vampir koji žudi za krvlju 18-godišnjih djevaca mora zaštititi nevinost tog tinejdžera pod svaku cijenu.
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The odds are against them becoming the next J-Pop idol sensation, but you don't know what they're made of -- literally!
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Mora se braniti od sve većeg broja izazivača, a njegova slava doprla je čak i do zatvorenika osuđenih na smrtnu kaznu.
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Kako bi stekao vještine potrebne da nadmaši svog moćnog oca, Baki ode u zatvor u Arizoni kako bi se borio protiv zloglasnog zatvorenika kojeg zovu g. Nesputani.
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Kada zle sile odluče uskrsnuti Anthrasaxa, boga uništenja, kraljevstvo Meta-llicana u pomoć pozove hirovita mračnog čarobnjaka.
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Bio je tih i skroman dječak, dok mu jednog dana instinkti nisu prevladali. Je li ovo pseća ljubav ili glad grabežljivca?
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A wandering, sword-wielding mercenary joins a charismatic leader in his ruthless pursuit of glory and recognition in this epic medieval tale.
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A tenacious boy hijacks the World Beyblade Battle Association’s broadcast to challenge every Beyblader to battle him in the Dynamite Battle System.
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It's about to get extreme! An amateur Blader teams up with a mysterious ex-champion, and together they aim for the pinnacle of the X Tower.
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Japanski srednjoškolac dođe do zagonetne bilježnice i otkrije da ima moć ubiti svakoga čije ime u nju upiše.
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Two orphans raised as brothers become rivals as they vie for the title of Wizard King, the highest magical rank in the land.
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They're secret agents, transferring into problem schools and using their wits to whip them into shape. They're on fire!
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A working class girl winds up at an exclusive prep school. Get ready for class warfare, high school style.
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