theaters Finding Hubby 2
After discovering her fiancee's secret, a woman finds herself at a crossroads between a shallow marriage and the return to the chaotic world of dating.
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After discovering her fiancee's secret, a woman finds herself at a crossroads between a shallow marriage and the return to the chaotic world of dating.
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Na vrhuncu carstva Oyo žestoki bashorun Ga'a postao je moćniji od kraljeva koje je svrgnuo... no glave ga je došla vlastita krv.
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Svijet elitnih eskort dama skupini žena ponudi glamur, bogatstvo i priliku da se ponovo pronađu... no jedno ubojstvo i krađa mogli bi sve ugroziti.
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His degree did not land him a career. But can failure lead him to a real job?
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Preacher’s daughter turned single mother and travel blogger, Amanda finds more than romance when she takes a chance to meet a social media suitor in NYC.
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An uptight man attempts to make his ex-girlfriend jealous when he pays his co-worker to act as his lover at a university reunion.
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A pastor living a double life falls for an exotic dancer in his congregation, but he's unaware that it's all part of an ex-lover's plan to destroy him.
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Četvero tinejdžera iz ruralnog sela iz jugozapadne Nigerije pronađe vrećicu nebrušenih dijamanata... no ubrzo im se za petama nađu lovci na to blago.
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Luckless in love, a young nurse finally meets the perfect man — a handsome billionaire — only to learn that his family harbors some deep, dark secrets.
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A convicted murderer gets out of prison and reunites with his wife, who is plotting revenge against him after years of physical and emotional abuse.
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He thinks she wants a wedding to remember. But he'll soon realize that she wants an event the public will never forget.
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Mladić koji silno želi postati moćan ratnik pridruži se elitnoj vojsci te upozna gnjev manijakalnog vojskovođe i ljubav neustrašive žene.
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Karma, romance and corruption intersect after a chance encounter between an ordinary man and two crooked cops sets off a catastrophic chain of events.
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Determined to marry before she turns 30, a woman tries to change her impulsive ways and do whatever it takes to win back the boyfriend who left her.
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Kad veze s podzemljem ugroze političke ambicije moćne poslovne žene, popratna borba za prevlast mogla bi je stajati svega.
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Nakon što mu umre kralj, konjanik se mora žrtvovati kako bi pokojnom vladaru služio i u zagrobnom životu... no nepredviđene komplikacije dovedu do neočekivane tragedije.
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Najbolje prijateljice Sarah i Kemi, koje povezuje jedna opasna tajna, moraju krenuti u bijeg nakon što bogati mladoženja nestane sa svoje zabave povodom zaruka.
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Bad intentions and fabricated funds. In their world, deception is real. And faking it till they make it is a way of life.
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Their once-privileged lives just went out of tune. Now, these sisters must hustle in order to find their true harmony.
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It was supposed to be just a quick and simple plane trip. But fate had other — horrifying — plans.
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