theaters Black Rose
Struggling in poverty with her single mother and siblings, a principled young woman meets the man of her dreams but soon finds he's keeping secrets.
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Struggling in poverty with her single mother and siblings, a principled young woman meets the man of her dreams but soon finds he's keeping secrets.
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Obitelj Beecroft spremna je potrošiti cijelo naslijeđe Bogatog Tatice, no direktor njegove tvrtke to ne namjerava dopustiti.
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Majčina božićna želja, ali i velika nagrada koja ide uz nju, izazove veliko nadmetanje između njezinih sinova.
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Samuel se nakon teškog djetinjstva u strogim vjerskim uvjetima otisne u novi život... no duša mu ostane zarobljena između svijeta i vjere koju je napustio.
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After everyone in his life mysteriously forgets him, a wealthy young man must seek help from the only one who recognizes him — the local bread seller.
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Slučajno se susrevši, šestero ljudi koji bježe iz grada koji je uništilo onečišćenje potajice se ukrcaju na tajanstveni brod ne znajući kakva ih opasnost ondje čeka.
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Neočekivan sprovod. Davno izgubljeni sin. Skupina pohlepnih ljubavnica. Smrt na neobičan način zbližava ljude.
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A law enforcement officer tries to make ends meet by soliciting bribes. But a tense run-in with a wealthy young musician changes his life forever.
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A boy genius trafficked into servitude grows up to become a master counterfeiter, making him rich — and a police target. Based on a true story.
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Three couples, each in different phases of romance, head to Ibadan for a fun and frisky holiday. But secrets soon spill, causing trouble in paradise.
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Nakon što njegovu sinu smjeste otmicu, ožalošćeni đakon uzme pravdu u vlastite ruke i bori se protiv korumpiranih policajaca kako bi ga oslobodio krivnje.
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Tinejdžer u financijskim nevoljama nađe se okružen svijetom luksuza nakon što zbog dobivene stipendije završi u ekskluzivnoj školi za najbogatije.
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After being accused of theft, four university students in Nigeria were killed in a mob attack that sparked nationwide outrage. Based on a true story.
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A young Nigerian woman with sickle cell anemia refuses to let it define her as she strives against prejudice for a career, marriage and motherhood.
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Though happily in love, a young couple's bond is put to the test when rumors and suspicions threaten to tear them apart.
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Ready to pop the question to his girlfriend, a young man finds his plans for a romantic dinner interrupted when his overdramatic ex shows up uninvited.
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Skupina kurtizana pokuša pobjeći od zloglasnog krimi šefa... ali zbog političke korupcije i krvnih veza sloboda bi im mogla biti nedostižan cilj.
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After hijacking a car, two desperate friends find themselves on a perilous journey involving assassins, police and a kidnapped governor.
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A chance encounter brings a brash, wealthy young man and an underprivileged woman together when they get stuck in an elevator and she goes into labor.
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Faking her way through any situation, a social media influencer poses as an event planner and is tasked with throwing an extravagant, star-studded bash.
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