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Izmoždena pritiskom života u Nigeriji 1980-ih, Tolani se uključi u šverc droge sa svojom snalažljivom prijateljicom te se mora nositi s posljedicama toga.
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Izmoždena pritiskom života u Nigeriji 1980-ih, Tolani se uključi u šverc droge sa svojom snalažljivom prijateljicom te se mora nositi s posljedicama toga.
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A terrifying home invasion shatters a couple's happy family life and brings their marriage to the brink as painful fallout unfolds.
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The family company's on the brink of bankruptcy. It's up to a determined daughter to make sure the legacy lives on.
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Money. Luxury. Status. He thinks life at the top will set him free — but soon he will learn that membership has a price.
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At the onset of a pandemic, six strangers are thrown into forced isolation together at a Nigerian hospital. As tensions rise, their stories intertwine.
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The polls will decide which of them will be governor. But will their marriage survive the vote?
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They defended the poor from people like her. But now, to save someone they love, they have to do what she wants.
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Following a tragic death, a group of affluent men seek vengeance against the ones they believe are responsible.
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They are Nigeria's most eligible bachelors -- slick, rich, and smooth. But their business isn't totally what it seems.
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Two fierce mothers become rivals when a school contest forces their kids, both model students, to compete against one another to be the best in class.
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Alhaja Eniola Salami krene ispočetka i baci oko na drugi položaj moći, bez trunke milosti, vođena osvetom i žaljenjem.
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A selfish womanizer finds himself in bubbling hot water after his reckless lifestyle accidentally attracts the attention of a coven of witches.
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Dvoje mladih iz različitih kultura kao da su spojila nebesa. No kad za njihovu ljubav saznaju roditelji, nastane kaos.
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Dugogodišnje najbolje prijateljice Uche i Toyin zaljube se u istog kompliciranog muškarca, što im stavi odanost na kušnju, a moraju se nositi i s tragičnim otkrićem.
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From salesgirl to CEO overnight. A young designer faces the truth about what living a rich life really means.
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Like any young person, he needs love and friendship. He's about to find them in the wrong place.
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Confronted by her past, promising musician Oluchi tries to reconcile with the daughter she abandoned — but some things cannot be forgiven.
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Dvojica prijatelja odjednom se obogate na neočekivane načine. Čini se da je situacija predobra da bi bila istinita... sve dok se ne upletu u smrtonosni plan pranja novca.
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Ambicija. Želja za pravdom. Inteligencija. Je li to dovoljno za borbu protiv brutalnog svijeta trgovine ljudima?
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Radeći na tajnom zadatku kao prostitutka u Nigeriji, mlada novinarka koja želi razotkriti korupciju bori se za život i nastoji se domoći Europe.
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