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Od pit bulla do maltipooa: on psima svih pasmina i njihovim vlasnicima osigurava skladne živote u njihovim domovima.
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Od pit bulla do maltipooa: on psima svih pasmina i njihovim vlasnicima osigurava skladne živote u njihovim domovima.
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Say "Aloha" to young romance, clashing personalities and amazing sunsets when strangers share a home in scenic Hawaii.
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Friendship, fights, intrigue and even love, all under one roof. Six real-life strangers, one house, countless cameras.
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They're looking for love together. This time, their search takes place in a luxury cabin in the woods.
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Jedino što su dobili jesu kuća, automobili i ukućani. Po prvi put žive život u velegradu.
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Na vrata ulaze loše, a van izlaze sjajne tetovaže. Vrhunski umjetnici katastrofe pretvaraju u nevjerojatne radove, a dizajn odabiru klijentima bliske osobe.
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U rukama ovih profesionalaca krama se pretvara u zlato. Oni u ovoj uzbudljivoj seriji dovoze automobile iz Meksika u El Paso, gdje ih potpuno obnavljaju.
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Husbands, wives, daughters, dads, mothers, sons and more. Working together to make magic -- or not -- in the kitchen.
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Eight enormous, eye-popping challenges. Ten talented teams. Thousands of plants and flowers. The botanical battle is on!
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Honest? Transparent? Or so fake they must be catfish? Expect lots of fun, and backstabbing, as players go for the bucks.
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In this virtual world, they can be anyone they want. But will truth, trickery or teamwork get them closer to the prize?
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Strastveni igrači. Beskrajne mogućnosti. U ovoj igri pogađanja identiteta sve je dopušteno, a u predstavljanju je ključ.
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Nine nations, 24 brilliant chefs and a smorgasbord of global celebrities. Welcome to a fierce new cooking competition.
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Coached by former pro players, star athletes from various sports form an amateur soccer club with one goal: to win the national championship.
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Inquisitive. Funny. Down-to-earth. It's Gwyneth Paltrow as she's rarely been seen before, guiding a series of daring deep dives.
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Mađioničar, komičar i vrhunski prevarant Justin Willman i njegova ekipa izvode kompleksne psine na mete koje nemaju pojma da bi pomogli stvarnim ljudima izravnati račune.
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Hollywood backstories and hot hubbies. Strong cocktails and claws-out catfights. Everyone pays to play in this zip code.
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To join the elite of Salt Lake City, you need faith, money and a spotless reputation — and this group of housewives will stop at nothing to stay on top.
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They are everyday heroes. But in this arena, they will strive to become everlasting champions.
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Star Wars. Barbie. G.I. Joe. Learn how your favorite toys came to life -- and conquered the world.
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