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Six nations liberated. More than 400 battles fought. The driving force? One man with a singular vision, which he embraced as his destiny to realize.
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Six nations liberated. More than 400 battles fought. The driving force? One man with a singular vision, which he embraced as his destiny to realize.
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The president of a large company and the woman he hired to be a blood donor for his sister fall in love, but his childhood crush looms in the background.
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A working class girl winds up at an exclusive prep school. Get ready for class warfare, high school style.
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Pjevanje, durenje i sve ispočetka. Takav je život umjetnika Bastija, ali put kući za blagdane mogao bi promijeniti sve.
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Ona se želi udati iz ljubavi. On se zakleo da se nikad neće ženiti. Njihova iskra privlačnosti planut će izvan kontrole.
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Glumačka postava „Bridgertona” dijeli priče od iza kulisa svoje hit-serije, a komičarka Nikki Glaser komentira najseksi trenutke ove kostimirane drame.
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Nakon što se zaljubi u cara Franju i neočekivano mu postane supruga, buntovna Elizabeta mora se naučiti snalaziti na bečkom dvoru, kojim vladaju napetosti i intrige.
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When she returns to the small Maryland hometown her father founded, a successful career woman and single mom considers staying and setting down roots.
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Brought together by meaningful meals in the past and present, a doctor and a chef are reacquainted when they begin working at a hospice ward.
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Everyone thinks they're gorgeous chaebol heirs. To her, they're just arrogant brats -- and a means of paying for college.
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His plan was flawless: Hire an attractive man to pose as his gay lover. Unfortunately, he hired the wrong woman.
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A miserable couple on the brink of divorce rediscovers themselves when they're dropped back in time to when they first met in their college days.
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A paragliding mishap drops a South Korean heiress in North Korea -- and into the life of an army officer, who decides he will help her hide.
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Kad iznimno elitna srednja škola uvede strogu zabranu bilo kakvih romantičnih veza uz prijetnju izbacivanja, jedna učenica potajice pomaže kolegama u zamjenu za novac.
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Nekoć školski suparnici, dvoje genijalnih liječnika slučajno se ponovno susretnu u trenutku kada im ne ide najbolje u životu i neočekivano pronađu utjehu jedno u drugome.
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Živeći već deset godina u razočaravajućem braku, Emma počne gubiti nadu... sve dok ne dobije nevjerojatnu priliku da iznova proživi posljednje desetljeće.
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Posežu za zvijezdama. Ostavljaju sve što vole za sobom. Što dalje idu, to su bliže dolasku kući.
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Počelo je kao igra, ali što više pišu, to se više zaljubljuju. Mogu li se povezati i u stvarnom životu?
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After moving to Tokyo for college, Kyosuke finds himself torn between his long-distance girlfriend Sa-chan and his beautiful, married neighbor Shino.
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A grieving father. Two mean stepsisters. A job in the basement. For her, a fairy-tale ending seems very far away.
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