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Princ Wilhelm navikava se na život u novom prestižnom internatu Hillerska, no slijediti srce puno je teže no što je očekivao.
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Princ Wilhelm navikava se na život u novom prestižnom internatu Hillerska, no slijediti srce puno je teže no što je očekivao.
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Kada joj tragedija preokrene život naglavačke, tinejdžerica se useli k velikoj obitelji svoje skrbnice u malom gradu te nauči nove pouke o ljubavi, nadi i prijateljstvu.
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A misunderstood loner is drawn out of his shell after transferring to another high school, where he comes across new ordeals -- and first love.
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Smrtno bolestan čovjek u ovoj seriji snimljenoj prema filmu traži pomoć svojih voljenih kako bi pronašao partnericu za dugoročnu vezu.
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The best cure for her heartbreak? Self-confidence, brave female friends and bossa nova music.
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After waking up in the body of a 19th-century queen, a chef must navigate the royal court and find a way back to the present — and his own life.
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A young boy who ends up in the U.S. after the 1871 Shinmiyangyo incident returns to Korea at a historical turning point and falls for a noblewoman.
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Amid chaos as the Qing invade their kingdom of Joseon, a man with a mysterious past falls for a noblewoman who's already in love with another man.
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Liking someone can mean different things to different people. It can lead to love -- but it’s often about something else.
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He understands her. He cares for her. He only has eyes for her. Who wouldn't fall in love with this hologram?
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Are love and sex the same? They’ll have to find their own answers to this question beating painfully throughout their marriage.
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She finally got to be the "pretty" girl -- or so she thought. She didn’t count on someone remembering her past.
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For her, star power is what she gets from her film career. For him, it's something much more celestial.
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He tells her to stop dreaming. But after one freak accident, he's the one who needs to wake up to reality.
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A refined young Joseon scholar's life turns upside down after he rescues a drunk princess who later accuses him of taking something precious from her.
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Years after two college sweethearts went their separate ways, Mosheng and Yichen rekindle their romance despite a barrage of challenges to their love.
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Veterinar se protivno svojim željama preseli iz velikog grada na selo, gdje upozna policajku, dobro informiranu mještanku koja skriva prijateljsku tajnu.
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Obitelj koja je nekoć imala jedinstvene supermoći izgubi ih zbog problema suvremenog doba... sve dok jedna tajanstvena žena ne promijeni sve.
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After a painful breakup, Miu vows to focus on art and avoid love — until an encounter with an aloof, charming artist stirs her deepest instincts.
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A disgraced medical prodigy did the time but not the crime. He can pull himself back up or take everyone else down.
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