Filmovi dostupni na Netflixu (bez azijskih): 4620 naslova


theaters A Day at the Beach

Muškarac odvede svoju mladu kćer u odmaralište uz morsku obalu, ali izlet im se pokvari kada počne prisiljavati prijatelje i strance da mu daju pića.
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theaters A Drop of Blood

Feeling neglected after her father takes a new wife, a young girl soon realizes that her new stepmom is far more dangerous than she thought.
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theaters A Fall from Grace

A divorce. A surprise second love. A devastating discovery. Now she's accused of murder. And a rookie lawyer is her only hope.
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theaters A Faraway Land

In the Faroe Islands, a married woman meets a reporter filming a documentary on overseas Filipino workers, which soon sparks a complicated love story.
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theaters A Fine Line

Pridruži se trail trkaču i planinarskom skijašu Kilianu Jornetu i skupini vrhunskih sportaša na veličanstvenom putovanju kroz Alpe.
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theaters A Fortunate Man

His fiery ambition drives him from a strict, devout upbringing to a world of means and opportunity. But like a shadow, his past follows.
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theaters A Haunting at the Rectory

Par se 1930. useli u „najukletiju kuću u Engleskoj” i otkrije mračne tajne svojega doma, ali i braka. Nadahnuto istinitim događajima.
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theaters A la puta strasse. 2º acto

Bar „Segundo Acto” u Barceloni dvadeset je godina bio dom umjetnika i boema. Kad je 2013. najavljeno da će se zatvoriti, održana je i velika posljednja zdravica.
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theaters A Most Annoying Island

Jedanaestogodišnjak pokušava razbiti višestoljetno prokletstvo zbog kojega su svi stanovnici i posjetitelji otočića na kojemu živi apsolutno nepodnošljivo društvo.
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theaters A Mulher do Meu Marido

Borderless Love

Životi dva para preokrenu se naglavačke kad se razotkrije afera u koju su svi uključeni. Sve dok jedna izdana strana ne poželi da se stvari opet vrate na staro.
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theaters A Remarkable Tale

Locals rarely stay in this remote place for long. But new visitors with their own set of customs could turn this town around.
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theaters A Secret Love

Love is patient. Even in private. For these two women, making their relationship work also meant making it last.
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theaters A Simple Lie

In this rom-com, a woman's lie to her ex spirals out of control, exposing secrets within a group of friends who are cheating on — and with — each other.
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theaters A Taste of Sin

Faith, forgiveness, redemption and hope. Two pastors, poles apart, navigate their temptations — one tempted by money, and the other by desire.
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theaters A Tor Bella Monaca non piove mai

Dvojica braće promijene si živote u nadi da će napustiti surovu četvrt u kojoj su odrasli. No može li ih put poštenja doista odvesti iz predgrađa na bolje mjesto?
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theaters À tout casser

Frankie s prijateljima otvori noćni klub, čime izazove bijest gangstera koji živi na katu ispod.
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