Filmovi dostupni na Netflixu (bez azijskih): 4621 naslov


theaters Alita: Anđeo borbe

Alita: Battle Angel

A cyborg wakes up with a kind doctor at her side and no memory of her past. To learn who she is, she must traverse the treacherous postapocalyptic world.
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theaters Alive and Kicking

Tri žene na dramatičan način pobjegnu iz doma umirovljenika i započnu novi život na zabačenom irskom otoku.
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theaters Alkhallat+

Ove četiri priče istražuju muljaže i prevare, od kradljivaca guma koji upadnu na svadbu do grozničavog pokušaja jednog čovjeka da zakopa tajnu svojeg pokojnog prijatelja.
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theaters All About Gila

Popular Spanish comedians take the stage — and pick up the phone — to honor the esteemed Miguel Gila, re-creating his most beloved stand-up performances.
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theaters All In My Family

His family is loud, judgmental -- and full of heart. What will they say when he brings home his husband and their two new kids?
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theaters All Na Vibes

A party takes a dark turn for three teens who are forced to question their futures — and friendship — when a politician's daughter goes missing.
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theaters All the Way Up

Beskrupulozni prodavač osiguranja na sve moguće načine pokušava napredovati u karijeri i podignuti svoju obitelj na društvenoj ljestvici.
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theaters All This Mayhem

Braća Ben i Tas Pappas nekoć su bila na vrhu svijeta profesionalnog skejtanja, ali uspjeh su im uništili ovisnost o drogi i autodestruktivno ponašanje.
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theaters All Together Now

A total rock star at school and work, she seems to have it all together. But sometimes even solo acts need a little backup.
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theaters Allemaal Familie

The Family Way

Obiteljsko okupljanje pođe po zlu kada par objavi nešto što prisili njihovu djecu da donesu odluke koje će im promijeniti život.
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theaters Alles ist gut

It's a night she's determined to quietly forget. But the reminders are constant -- and the consequences, unavoidable.
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theaters Aloevera

In a town divided into two opposing groups, a man and woman from opposite sides fall for each other. But can love transcend the line that separates them?
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theaters Aloha

Po povratku na Havaje zbog lansiranja satelita nabavljač vojne opreme ubrzo se zaljubi i u svoju bivšu ljubav i u živahnu vojnu pratnju.
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theaters Always Be My Maybe

They were childhood sweethearts. Now they live in different worlds. The chemistry's still there -- but will the timing ever be right?
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theaters Amanda Knox

The highest court in Italy acquitted her. A rabid public vilified her. What really happened remains a mystery.
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theaters Amandla

Godinama nakon preživljene tragedije u djetinjstvu dvojica braće nađu se na suprotnim stranama zakona dok kriminal povezan s bandama stavlja na kušnju njihovu odanost.
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theaters Amateur

He's got the talent to be a star. But to make it in a cutthroat world, he'll have to play a big game -- on and off the court.
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theaters Amazone

Osam puta razvedeni čovjek preseli se u Amazonu, gdje u krošnjama prašume pronađe neobičnu mladu djevojku koja tvrdi da je izvanzemaljka.
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theaters Amazonke


Nezadovoljne svojim životnim situacijama, četiri žene opljačkaju banku i izvuku se nekažnjene. Zatim prijeđu na veće pothvate... ali policija im se ubrzo nađe za petama.
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theaters American Son

One incident. Zero answers. And the excruciating weight of waiting -- and searching for common ground amidst chaos.
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theaters Američka pita 2

American Pie 2

Jim, Oz, Kevin i Stifler vratili su se i napaljeniji su nego ikad! Nakon prve godine faksa ponovo se okupe i unajme kuću na plaži za čitavo ljeto.
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theaters Američka pita: Glazbeni kamp

American Pie Presents: Band Camp

Nakon praktične šale koja je krenula po zlu, mladi zavodnik Matt Stifler mora služiti kaznu u glazbenom kampu, gdje doživi niz suludih vratolomija.
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theaters Američka simfonija

American Symphony

U ovom duboko intimnom dokumentarcu glazbenik Jon Batiste pokušava skladati simfoniju dok se njegova supruga Suleika Jaouad liječi od raka.
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