theaters A Trash Truck Christmas
Without a sleigh, there’s no way Santa can deliver all his presents — unless Hank, Trash Truck and friends save the day!
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Without a sleigh, there’s no way Santa can deliver all his presents — unless Hank, Trash Truck and friends save the day!
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Consumed by hate, a woman cons her way into the upper class and conspires to take down the cruel business magnate she blames for her downward spiral.
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He's got a bad case of the Christmas Eve blues. But he's about to have the night of his dreams.
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Ovaj dokumentarac kojim se obilježava 70. godišnjica braka kraljice Elizabete i princa Filipa donosi nam arhivske snimke njihova raskošna vjenčanja i brojne intervjue.
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Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje značaj djela Ludwiga van Beethovena i njegov utjecaj na skladatelje, glazbenike, pa čak i organizatore koncerata.
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Nakon što se koreografkinji putevi ukrste s izgubljenom ljubavlju, 20 godina stara tajna mogla bi razotkriti njezin pravi identitet i uništiti joj pomno posložen život.
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He's found the ultimate loyal companion — who's also a state-of-the-art weapon. Now powerful forces are after them both.
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Hope, romance and new beginnings suffuse stories spotlighting Tamil cinema star Ashok Selvan in three different roles.
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He's a family friend. She's a radiant little girl. And her parents don't recognize the danger until it's too late.
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Furali su ga svi kul klinci. Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje A&F-ovu elitističku vladavinu pop-kulturom u kasnim 90-ima i ranim 2000-ima.
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African tribes will go to war if a legendary bat isn't found. Never fear, Ace is here. Things are about to get funny.
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Your city's most famous animal's kidnapped? Ace is on the case! There's no one better, or nuttier, to save the day.
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Ovaj dokumentarac prisjeća se povijesti slavne talijanske automobilske utrke u kojoj su sudjelovali legendarni prvaci i veliki proizvođači automobila.
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Nakon što njega i njegovu trudnu ženu napadnu u njihovu domu, bivši elitni agent nađe se usred smrtonosne potjere povezane s njegovom bolnom prošlošću.
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Tangled up with blackmail and crooked cops, the son of a former gangster seeks out his father’s old friends, who risk everything to save him.
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Usamljeni mladić nakon hospitalizacije svoje majke, bivše rock zvijezde, nastoji obaviti težak zadatak koji mu je zadala.
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He's kinda rich, kinda famous and entirely relatable. Over-the-top fun from a comic who can barely contain himself.
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Adam Sandler delivers a comedy experience like no other, with an innovative style that's as funny as it is fresh.
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Which sheep part to eat? What's better than porn? How not to send regards to the dead? Your burning questions answered.
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Nakon neuspješne pljačke dvojica bivših vojnika zajednički pokušavaju pobjeći iz zaključanog trezora... i od još gorih nevolja koje ih očekuju izvan njega.
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Trojica prijatelja s invaliditetom, bez seksualnog iskustva, krenu na putovanje u Španjolsku u nadi da će izgubiti nevinost.
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A sex-worker-turned-entrepreneur moves to a small town and launches her own lingerie business, only to draw the ire of a preacher's wife.
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Near a Spanish town in northern Africa, a child takes a painful journey, a father reconnects with his daughter and a coast guard is guilt stricken.
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Psiholozi razgovaraju o odrastanju, pružaju uvid u razvoj mozga i ponašanje adolescenata te otkrivaju što to znači biti odrasla osoba.
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In her profession, getting older isn't an option. Science has a solution, but it requires the ultimate sacrifice.
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After his friend is found dead, a prominent man is questioned by the police about their complex history together in the Igbo apprenticeship system.
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"Once poor, always poor," his mom used to tell him. He now knows she was right — and the voice inside his head is the living proof.
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Grubi kapetan ruševna riječnog broda u istočnoj Africi udruži se s uštogljenom misionarkom u Prvom svjetskom ratu kako bi porazio njemačku topovnjaču.
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They were left without homes and caught between worlds. The storm had passed, but their heartbreak was far from over.
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Suddenly, dozens of people disappear. In this small Tennessee town, the immigration debate just hit very close to home.
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