Britanska produkcija: 195 naslova


theaters ANIMA

In a short musical film directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, Thom Yorke of Radiohead stars in a mind-bending visual piece. Best played loud.
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theaters Anton


Vrativši se u Irsku 1972. nakon godina na pučini, moreplovac više ne prepoznaje svoju voljenu zemlju. Želeći se boriti za nju, krene nasilnim putem s kojega nema povratka.
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theaters Atom: Ljubavna afera

The Atom: A Love Affair

Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje povijest nuklearne energije iz perspektive inženjera, političara i odvjetnika s obje strane debatnog stola.
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theaters Beats

The pain of real life. The promise of raw talent. And a dream that has to be heard to be believed.
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theaters Beba na brodu

Baby and the Battleship

Nakon pomutnje u luci posada se na moru mora brinuti za bebu dok je nastoji skriti od svojih zapovjednika.
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theaters Boje beskraja

The Colours Of Infinity

Pisac, izumitelj i futurist Arthur C. Clarke voditelj je ovog ispitivanja Mandelbrotove skupine, kreacije koja je donijela revoluciju u fraktalnu geometriju.
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theaters Brianov život

Monty Python's Life of Brian

He just wants the Romans to go home. But somehow he finds himself sidetracked into the role of the Messiah.
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theaters Calibre

A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Now their only hope is to swallow their paranoia and act normal.
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ondemand_video Captive

Ambushed, blindfolded and handcuffed. Ripped from their families. Former hostages share their nightmarish true stories.
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ondemand_video Crashing

They're young, they're attractive, they're in love. They're also broke and renting living space in a derelict hospital.
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ondemand_video Crno zrcalo

Black Mirror

Bliska budućnost nudi nam nezamislive tehnološke napretke. No jesmo li spremni platiti cijenu za njih?
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theaters Crvendać Robin

Robin Robin

Optimistična mlada crvendaćica koju je odgojila obitelj miševa zaželi toplu želju za Božić. Hoće li napokon saznati tko je i naučiti letjeti?
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ondemand_video Cure iz Derryja

Derry Girls

Uslijed političkog konflikta u Sjevernoj Irskoj 1990-ih petero srednjoškolaca nosi se s univerzalnim izazovima tinejdžerskog života.
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ondemand_video Derek

He's a nursing home attendant with no money, no smarts and no game. And he's the luckiest guy in the world.
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