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Bježeći od zločina iz prošlosti, Juzo Fujimaki zbog ucjene se mora prijaviti na ilegalni turnir, gdje se bori protiv vrhunskih majstora borilačkih vještina.
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Bježeći od zločina iz prošlosti, Juzo Fujimaki zbog ucjene se mora prijaviti na ilegalni turnir, gdje se bori protiv vrhunskih majstora borilačkih vještina.
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The vastness of time and space is no obstacle to his thirst for revenge. Now it's his turn to fight the monsters.
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The weapons they need may still lie buried at Mt. Fuji. Getting them means forging an alliance and defying their orders.
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He wants to defeat Godzilla, but calling upon the ultimate destroyer could end not only humanity, but the planet itself.
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Nakon što ih poveže tajanstvena pjesma, studentica i inženjer vode borbu protiv nezamislive sile koja bi mogla uništiti svijet.
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Jedanaest mjeseci nakon početka Jednogodišnjeg rata satnica Solari, vrhunska pilotkinja, suoči se s novim smrtonosnim oružjem Zemaljske Federacije: pokretnim odijelom Gundam.
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For a chance at a pardon, a ninja assassin joins other condemned criminals on a journey to a mysterious island to retrieve an elixir of immortality.
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Incredible biotech. A powerful corporation. Allies turned enemies. Knowing who to trust is half the game.
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Krovovi nebodera i maskirani ubojice. Hrabra tinejdžerka nađe se u nevolji te se mora boriti kako bi preživjela.
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To fulfill his dreams of becoming a legendary Hunter like his dad, a young boy must pass a rigorous examination and find his missing father.
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A discovery so powerful. Some embrace it, others fear and reject it. To what length will humanity go to control it?
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Supermoći, madeži u obliku zvijezde i neobični, ali dosljedni nadimci sudbina su njegove obitelji kroz generacije.
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With his days numbered, high schooler Yuji decides to hunt down and consume the remaining 19 fingers of a deadly curse so it can die with him.
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A despondent high school student enrolls in Jujutsu High so he can break the violent curse haunting him, in this prequel to the "Jujutsu Kaisen" series.
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A coastal city overtaken by an undead horde more threatening than ever. Here, the kabane attack with deadly coordination.
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Putujući svemirom u lovu na glave, posada sastavljena od bivšeg plaćenika, bivšeg policajca, prevarantice, mlade hakerice i podatkovnog psa spaja kraj s krajem.
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Ohma Tokita zakorači u skriveni svijet u kojem se korporativni sporovi rješavaju brutalnim gladijatorskim borbama. Novac nije bitan, on se samo želi boriti i pobijediti.
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Kinnikuman returns to the ring in an epic three-way battle between the Justice, Devil and Perfect Chojin factions, and reveals the roots of the Chojin.
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Prijateljicama i bliskim osobama Mjesečeve Ratnice prijeti zastrašujući novi neprijatelj koji želi uništiti sve i zavladati svemirom.
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Meteorites, mecha and a samurai sword-wielding boy clash. The key to victory may lie with an underachieving schoolgirl.
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